[pkg-kolab] Bug#414038: Why ?

Mathieu PARENT math.parent at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 08:01:36 UTC 2007

Hi !

The title should be : kolab-resource-handlers should depend on
libapache2-mod-php4 OR php4-cgi OR  libapache-mod-php4 OR ...

Currently, I'm using Etch with apache2 and php5 ; which is the default
web server configuration.

I'm using php5 because of Mediawiki 1.9. I'm using apache2 to follow
apache.org's recommendations.

When installing kolab, it's a mess :libapache2-mod-php5 is replaced by
libapache-mod-php4. Then mediawiki is broken.

I want kolab with cgi and mediawiki with apache handler because of
performance reasons.

So :
1. This is usefull for etch (limitation of php4 use)
2. this is smooth, the update is transparent for the user with
3. but, this will be useless for lenny (should upgrade to php5, see
bug 418268 and bug 379122)

Mathieu Parent

Sorry for my frenglish ...

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