[pkg-kolab] Slave server setup with kolab_bootstrap revisited

Price,Neil NPrice at gibb.co.za
Tue Nov 4 13:34:56 UTC 2008

Here's a slight hitch with the slave setup with the current debs.

Kolab_bootstrap has this code

  copy("/etc/default/saslauthd", "/etc/default/saslauthd.orig") || die
"could not read /etc/default/saslauthd.orig";
  my $saslauthd_orig = IO::File->new("/etc/default/saslauthd.orig", "r") ||
die "could not read /etc/default/saslauthd.orig";
  my $saslauthd = IO::File->new("/etc/default/saslauthd", "w") || die "could
not read /etc/default/saslauthd";
  foreach (<$saslauthd_orig>) {
    s/^(# )?START=.*$/START=yes/g;
        print $saslauthd $_;
Which sets up /etc/default/saslauthd correctly.

Problem is, this occurs only for the master (its in a section that starts
with if "( $is_master eq "true" ) {"
It needs to go in a common section.

Easy enough to fix manually however.


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