[pkg-kolab] Bug#498202: Bug#498202: remove kolabd?

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 18:14:20 UTC 2008

tags 498202 + pending


The corrected packages are ready since some month, but as I'm not DD,
I can't upload.

So if somebody want to upload the packages, and also if the release
team agree to unfroze kolabd, libkolab-perl, kolab-webadmin,kolabconf
and (new) php-kolab.

The major problem is that it is another kolab version (2.2) but
version 2.1 doesn't work with openldap 2.4 so this is the only way to
get kolab in lenny.


Mathieu Parent

2008/9/28 Thomas Viehmann <tv at beamnet.de>:
> Hi,
> #49202 has been open for three weeks without maintainer response.
> AFAIUI, kolabd has been broken by the libkolab-perl upload two weeks
> before the freeze.
> It's popcon is ~30, so it might be a candidate for lenny removal unless
> the maintainers have a plan for fixing things.
> Kind regards
> T.
> --
> Thomas Viehmann, http://thomas.viehmann.net/
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