[pkg-kolab] status of kolab in debian

Gavin McCullagh gavin.mccullagh at gcd.ie
Tue Dec 8 10:43:11 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

if you don't mind, I have a couple of questions about the status of Kolab
in Debian.

We have a Mandrake CS3 install here running Kolab which is about to run out
of support.  While there have been some minor annoying issues with Kolab 1
(32-bit quotas, one or two security mistakes), it has broadly been fairly
stable and reliable so we're looking at moving on to a new server with
Kolab 2 or at least (cyrus2.2 + openldap + postfix).  I'll probably add a
caldav implementation in by hand.

Most of our servers are either Debian or Ubuntu so we'd rather go with one
of those for the new server.  We would definitely prefer to use
distribution packages to a source compile which we have to monitor and
apply security patches to (not to mention the 64-bit quota patch).

It appears kolab has been in Debian since at most 2006 but the Kolab
developers don't seem to suggest using it.  Are many people using it in big
environments?  Is it stable?  As this stuff is just in Universe on Ubuntu
it seems that Debian might be the smarter choice for this.  Would that be

We have about 500 users (a broad mix of intensive and occasional users) and
growing.  The old server seems to deal with that reasonably well.

Many thanks in advance,

Gavin McCullagh
Senior System Administrator
IT Services
Griffith College Dublin
South Circular Road
Dublin 8
Tel: +353 1 4163365

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