[pkg-kolab] r1416 - pkg-kolab_testsuite

Mathieu Parent sathieu at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 18 19:48:46 UTC 2009

Author: sathieu
Date: 2009-11-18 19:48:46 +0000 (Wed, 18 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 1416

- adding ssh private key to each host to avoid password prompt from one domain to another
- enabling install on slaves, remaining things done
- start daemons after kolab_bootstrap

Modified: pkg-kolab_testsuite/testsuite
--- pkg-kolab_testsuite/testsuite	2009-11-18 19:35:44 UTC (rev 1415)
+++ pkg-kolab_testsuite/testsuite	2009-11-18 19:48:46 UTC (rev 1416)
@@ -315,9 +315,11 @@
         domain_make_bootable($domid, $domname);
-    print "* Copying ssh key";
+    print "* Adding to authorized_keys and copying ssh private key";
     system("sudo mkdir -p '$storagepooldir/domains/$domname/disk/root/.ssh'");
     system("sudo cp '$storagepooldir/key.pub' '$storagepooldir/domains/$domname/disk/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'");
+    # to avoid password prompt from one domain to another
+    system("sudo cp '$storagepooldir/key' '$storagepooldir/domains/$domname/disk/root/.ssh/id_rsa'");
     print ".\n";
     domain_post_chroot($domid, $domname);
@@ -421,11 +423,6 @@
     my $domname = shift;
     my $domip = domain_ip($domid, $domname);
-    if($domid != 0) {
-        print "* Installing slaves is not supported yet\n";
-        return;
-    }
     print "* Copying /etc/hosts file:\n";
     my $hosts = hosts_file();
     system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip 'cat <<EOF > /etc/hosts
@@ -695,7 +692,19 @@
         #Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 
         #root at kolab_test_master.local.tld's password: 
-        #Do you want to create a certificate request and sign it [y] (y/n): 
+        [
+            qr'Do you want to create a certificate request and sign it \[y\] \(y/n\): $',
+            sub {
+                my $fh = shift;
+                if( $step == 7 ) {
+                    $fh->send("y\n");
+                    $step = 14 + $config{'slave_count'};
+                    return exp_continue;
+                } else {
+                    print "Step is $step (should be 7)\n";
+                }
+            },
+        ],
         #root at kolab_test_master.local.tld's password: 
         #root at kolab_test_master.local.tld's password: 
         # >> slave only
@@ -746,6 +755,14 @@
         # >> slave only
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/amavis start #optionally'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/slapd start'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/saslauthd start'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/postfix start'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/kolab-cyrus start'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/kolabd start'");
+    system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip '/etc/init.d/apache2 start'");
     print "* Installing PHP Unit:\n";
     system("ssh -i '".$config{'storagepooldir'}."/key' root\@$domip 'apt-get -qy install phpunit'");

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