[pkg-kolab] Horde4 packages

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 19:29:31 UTC 2010

(Actually sending the mail to the proper recipients -- I hit the send
button too soon)

To the pkg-horde team:

As we are in squeeze deep freeze, this can wait a bit but I want to
use this opportunity to re-launch the Pear policy written by Gregory

Three main points (goals from next debian wheezy?):
- should we use cdbs or pure debhelper? Or write a new debhelper
script? (I'm in favor of cdbs or a new debhelper script)
- which way to register/unregister modules? (I'm in favor of way 3)
- how to deal with locally installed pear packages (/usr/local/share/php)?

Some pedantic comments:
- "Package short description should: begin with PHP Pear module(s)
for... ": I think this is not necessary
- "Maintainer field should: be set to: Debian PHP Maintainers":
Probably not a should but a may. Horde packages will be maintained by
the pkg-horde team (or we merge the teams).
- "Homepage field should: "be set to: http://pear.php.net/...": idem
- "Vcs-* should: be set to": idem

Below is my mail to Gunnar about packaging of Horde4 libs.

2010/11/19 Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>:
> (I'm cc-ing both pkg-kolab and pkg-horde teams,
> conversation should follow on pkg-horde with cc to Gunnar)
> 2010/11/19 Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel at pardus.de>:
>> Hi Mathieu,
> Hi Gunnar,
>> you probably noticed that I'm currently starting on Horde4 packaging for the
>> Kolab server. The primary target will have to be the Kolab Server 2.2.4
>> based on OpenPKG. But I'm also looking at packaging natively for Debian now
>> as this might well be the primary platform I support in the future.
>> There is still a lot I have to do on Horde4 to bring it to the state I
>> desire. One of the important goals in terms of packaging is a patch free
>> Kolab support within Horde.
> Great! This will ease the integration in Debian.
>> While that may still take me until the beginning of the next year I want to
>> start packaging as early as possible - which means right now. It will help
>> to ensure the elements required for clean packaging are available within
>> Horde4.
>> What I already have is a package mill for Kolab Server 2.2.4 based on
>> OpenPKG. It is located at http://dev2.pardus.de:8080/
>> As you can see there are already a number of packages there. Most of them
>> are small packages from the framework. These will be released as separate
>> modules with Horde4.
> This answer one of my question. We will need to package all of them.
>> When it comes to Debian packaging I have to admit that I lack experience.
>> What I currently need to decide is how I can quickly (preferably
>> continuously) build experimental Horde packages for Debian. And I thought
>> you might be able to advise on that.
> We currently package two pear packages in Kolab using dh-make-php
> (http://packages.debian.org/sid/dh-make-php) which uses CDBS.
> Gregory Colpart, a member of the pkg-horde team, has proposed a policy
> (http://wiki.debian.org/GregoryColpart/PearPolicyDraft). We mostly
> follow it, with cddb flavour.
>> Would it be useful to work on that together with the Debian "pkg-kolab"
>> team? Or is this something I should contact the Debian Horde packages about?
> pkg-horde is the right place. I am part of this team also. pkg-horde
> uses git, this is probably better for Horde integration (pkg-kolab
> uses SVN).
>> Or should I rather try to use the OpenSUSE build service for getting the
>> experimental builds?
> We can do both, but the main git should probably be on git.debian.org.
> I will prepare an example (I am very busy, so it could take some time)
> with Auth:
> - the package will be named php-horde-auth
> - it will uses cdbs (debian/rules looks like
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kolab/php-kolab-freebusy/trunk/debian/rules
> )
> Regards
> Mathieu


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