[pkg-kolab] Bug#596607: Bug#596607: Bug#596607: same problem comes up again

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 08:55:31 UTC 2011


2011/2/1 Martial Paupe <babatoko at gmail.com>:
>> - look for php configuration, disable notice, disable warning etc.. some
>> php error can break the filter
> I've enabled options into php.ini as follow
> error_reporting    = E_ALL
> error_log          = syslog

kolab-filter uses the file /etc/kolab/php.ini (built from
/etc/kolab/templates/php.ini.template). Also take a look in
/etc/kolab/filter/config.php (build from

Can you please set "error_reporting = E_ERROR" there and test again.
Error are catched by an error_handler which may print text to stdout.

> And I had to remove '&' sign into those following files.
> Otherwise my configuration looks similar with a virtual machine that is
> running kolab as well but it's not in production.
> Sounds to me that a package breaks my setup and I can't see what or where.

Can you make a "diff -r" of /etc/kolab directory between those two
machines? (hide any password)


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