[pkg-kolab] Bug#635133: Bug#635133: More info

Soren Stoutner soren at smallbusinesstech.net
Mon Nov 28 23:09:51 UTC 2011



Thank you. The problem was in

I also fixed a typo in my port forwarding
for 4190, so I can now telnet to sieve using the FQDN. This was also an
issue. I'm not sure why it works on the other boxes without 4190
forwarded correctly, but I'm guessing it is using localhost instead of
the FQDN. 


Soren Stoutner
Small Business Tech
soren at smallbusinesstech.net

On 21.11.2011 13:31,
Mathieu Parent wrote: 

> 2011/11/21 Soren Stoutner :
>> I thought I
had successfully reverted all those changes, but I'm guessing that one
of my customizations still remains. I just don't know where to look to
find it.
> You can maybe try a big "grep -r 2000 /etc /usr"?
> --

[1] mailto:soren at smallbusinesstech.net
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