Bug#380080: [pkg-lighttpd] Bug#380080: lighttpd: logrotate stops servers, and sometimes it does not starts again

Pierre Habouzit madcoder at debian.org
Mon Aug 7 22:34:53 UTC 2006

Le lun 7 août 2006 22:19, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak a écrit :
> Pierre Habouzit wrote:
> > Package: lighttpd
> > Version: 1.4.11-7
> > Severity: grave
> > Justification: renders package unusable
> >
> >
> >   I use lighttpd on many servers, and sometimes, because of
> > logrotate, the server stops, but never starts again (presumably
> > because the sleep 5 is not enough, logs shows that it took 5
> > seconds to stop:
> >
> >     2006-07-27 06:25:20: (server.c.1216) [note] graceful shutdown
> > started 2006-07-27 06:25:24: (log.c.135) server stopped
> >
> >   (1) I'm surprised that lighttpd is not able to understand a kill
> > -HUP to reload.
> It's because lighty dropping privileges after binding to port 80,
> there is discussion [1] and preliminary, experimental patch.

I understand that but ...

> >   (2) even if it doesn't, it should be possible to wait until it's
> >       really stopped before starting it again, instead of a crude
> > sleep.
> >
> >   given that the logrotate fires the stop around 06:25, it causes
> > serious downtime, hence the severity.

it should still able to achieve that: having a way to tell *when* lighty 
is properly shut down. because that's the problem here: you try to 
restart lighty *before* it's actually shut down, and the second 
instance fails because the first still listen on the :80.

IMHO, that could be done like that: at shutdown time, the master lighty 
process just close ALL the binded sockets, so that the new instance can 
be started immediately. a clever way would be that some tool connects 
itself to an unix lighty control socket, asks for removal, and that 
lighty says when it shutted all the sockets down just before closing 
that socket. when that client retunrs, you can safely start a new 

that's simple and safe.
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                madcoder at debian.org
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org
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