[pkg-lighttpd] Bug#644227: lighttpd create-mime.assign.pl ignores ~/.mime.types

Magnus Olsson magnus at minimum.se
Tue Oct 4 09:20:14 UTC 2011

On 10/04/2011 11:11 AM, Stefan Bühler wrote:
> On 10/04/2011 09:29 AM, Magnus Olsson wrote:
>> Lighttpd gets its MIME configuration from output of
>> /usr/share/lighttpd/create-mime.assign.pl. This script only reads MIME
>> types from /etc/mime.types. However, the mime-support package also keeps
>> per-user MIME-types in ~/.mime.types. These are ignored in the Lighttpd
>> configuration, even if kept in www-data home-dir. The only way to add
>> new per-user MIME types that are also picked up by Lighttpd is through
>> /etc/mime.types, which is not recommended.
> Files in /etc are there to be changed. To avoid update conflicts, the 
> mime-support package should be fixed to either allow additional config 
> files in /etc (like /etc/mime.types.d) or to put the current data in 
> /usr/share, and only have custom types in /etc/mime.types.
I like the idea of a drop-directory!
>> I propose that create-mime.assign.pl also reads .mime.types in the
>> home-dir of lighttpd user (lighttpd.conf::server.username)
> Reading from any user home dir is certainly not an option.

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