[pkg-lighttpd] Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine in Miami

ASOAM info at estheticnet.com
Fri May 10 07:21:07 UTC 2013

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Advanced Postgraduate in Aesthetic Medicine in Miami


* Provide the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge for the integral practice of Aesthetic Medicine.

* Promote development of attendants´ social skills to improve their professional practice.

* Convey the importance of considering the patient as a bio-psycho-social being in aesthetic clinical practice.

* Encourage the development of clinical treatment criteria by offering different case-solving proposals.

* Transmit the importance of interdisciplinary team work with health professionals.

* Provide the necessary guidance during practical case-solving in class.

* Provide the necessary guidance in person or via e-mail during the completion of the final practical paper.


Students are expected to have achieved the following upon completion of the course 

* The ability to receive, guide and interpret patients seeking an aesthetic solution.

* Know the regulatory framework that governs the activity in order to ensure safe practice in this field of expertise.

* Understand the necessary structural and morphological concepts for carrying out aesthetic treatment.

* Identify basic skin lesions.

* Differentiate between different types of non-invasive facial and body treatments.

* Understand the proper use of each of the tools in the consulting room, differentiating between the need for more or less invasive modalities to
treat each type of pathology, with the aim of obtaining the best benefit for the patient, favoring the least invasive method.

* Learn about the need for aesthetic as well as unaesthetic attention.

* Learn to identify dysmorphophobia and provide proper treatment for it.

* When and how to refer a patient to another medicinal specialty.

* Judicious multidisciplinary treatment.

* Understand, listen to and assume a commitment toward the patient under the care of the medical specialist throughout the process of proper
diagnosis, treatment and discharge.

Duration of Coursework

Four segments distributed throughout one year
Each segment will have a duration of:

* Four (4) days

* Each day will include the following distribution: 

* Theory: 3 hs.

* Practical work: 4 hs.

Total duration per segment:

* Theory: 12 hs.

* Practical work: 16 hs.

* Total: 28 hs.

Total Segments

* Theory: 48 hs.

* Practical work: 64 hs.

* Total Hours: 112 hs.


More Information 

* info at medicinaenestetica.com ( mailto:info at medicinaenestetica.com )

* jgrijalbaestetica at yahoo.com ( mailto:jgrijalbaestetica at yahoo.com )

* Tel. 5491164579988

* Tel. EEUU: 7863988575

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