[Pkg-lirc-changes] r210 - in /lirc/trunk/debian: changelog lirc.init.d patches/00list patches/12_enodev_on_read.dpatch

lool at users.alioth.debian.org lool at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Aug 10 12:31:05 UTC 2007

Author: lool
Date: Fri Aug 10 12:31:05 2007
New Revision: 210

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-lirc/?sc=1&rev=210
* New dpatch, 12_enodev_on_read, close device if read() returns ENODEV;
  fixes infinite loop; thanks Alexander V. Inyukhin; closes: #430898.
* Drop -k flag to modprobe in init scripts; is undocumented and seems to be
  a noop.

    lirc/trunk/debian/patches/12_enodev_on_read.dpatch   (with props)
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