[Pkg-lirc-maint] Bug#622990: Bug#622990: lirc: add support for iguanaIR

Stefan Lippers-Hollmann s.L-H at gmx.de
Sat Apr 16 14:16:37 UTC 2011

reassign #622990 wnpp
severity #622990 wishlist
merge #524403 #622990


On Saturday 16 April 2011, Stuart Pook wrote:
> Package: lirc
> Version: 0.9.0~pre1-1
> Severity: normal
> Everytime a new version of lirc comes out I have to recompile it
> and reinstall because it does not include for the Iguanaworks USB IR
> Transceiver. All that is required for lirc to support this device is for
> the file /usr/include/iguanaIR.h to exist at compile time. This file says
> "Distributed under the LGPL version 2.1."
> Please include the Iguanaworks USB IR Transceiver. http://iguanaworks.net/

There are two possibilities:
- packaging iguanair in Debian, so lirc can build-depend on it
- getting full iguanair support merged into upstream lirc (with all
  headers and userspace support tools; lirc upstream is very active,
  but iguanair might be a little too large/ different for that)

Given that I have no access to this hardware, I can't do either and 
won't carry an untested (always outdated) Debian-only patch for it in 
our lirc packages. Assuming iguanair gets packaged and uploaded to 
Debian, I'd happily build-depend on it, but someone needs to actually 
maintain/ take care of the needed bits and pieces for this kind of 

If you'd like to respond, please CC me and 
pkg-lirc-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org, because by reassigning this bug
to the existing RFP for iguanair, any further messages to this bug 
aren't on our radar anymore.

	Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
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