Bug#382681: [Pkg-ltsp-devel] Re: Bug #382681: ltsp-server: Dependency on netkit-inetd must be removed

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Sun Aug 20 16:58:44 UTC 2006

Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com> writes:

> [Roger Leigh]
>> However, this does not fix the bug as reported.  As mentioned in the
>> original report:
>> * netkit-inetd is being removed this week.  You must remove this
>>   dependency; reordering the dependencies does not fix this.
> If the ltsp is to work in both sarge and etch, it is a good idea to
> not drop the netkit-inetd dependency.  debootstrap in sarge insist on
> installing netkit-inetd.

I'm not familiar with the specifics of ltsp.  Why does a package which
is provided for etch (ltsp-server) also have to satisfy its
dependencies for sarge?

The correct thing to do for both etch and sarge is depend on netbase.
In both cases it will depend on an inetd, which happens to be
netkit-inetd for sarge and openbsd-inetd for etch.  Is there any
reason why this is not possible?

>> * Depending upon any specific inetd is a bug.  This dependency is
>>   provided by netbase, so you do not need it.  The followups to the
>>   original report (which I for some reason didn't receive) did
>>   recommend doing this, but it wasn't for some reason.
> It would be better for ltsp if netbase stopped depending on inetd, as
> ltsp do not need inetd, and would like to avoid pulling in unused
> binaries in the boot environment.

Are we talking about the ltsp server or client here?

> Please change netbase to not depend on inetd.

This is due to happen after the release of etch.

> When it is done, we can drop the dependency on inetd in ltsp for the
> next stable release of Debian.

I'm not totally sure I understand the reason for the current

openbsd-inetd | netkit-inetd

dependency, as I explained above.  If you could clarify the situation,
I would be very grateful.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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