[Pkg-ltsp-devel] merging ...

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at freegeek.org
Tue Aug 29 17:52:42 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 02:10:55PM +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> i just wanted to merge the recent debian changes and stumbled over some
> weirdnesses ....

alright, well most of it is probably my fault :)

> first, please dont do merges into debian from the edgy-ltsp branch, i
> try to keep ubuntu package specifics out of the mainline branch, but
> merge the debian main branch into the ltsp-mainline one ...
> if the debian main branch pulls from edgy-ltsp this distinction is
> somewhat pointless since i get back all stuff from edgy-ltsp into
> mainline through you ...

there was some desire to keep the ubuntu debian/changelog entries in
debian's debian/changelog as well, as it's hard to know what version to
call the debian package without knowing what version the ubuntu-based
one is, and it gives us more of an understanding of how the packages
related to one another.. so i merged the changes for edgy-ltsp largely
for that reason. there were very few differences...

> (i.e. we wont do the tftpd transition this release, so i need to keep
> the dependency there for edgy... we dont want our metapackages to
> explode and dont use aptitude in ubuntu, so i dont use your recommends
> in most places, the edgy-ltsp branch was intended to maintain only ths
> differece from debian, so we dont always clash with the control files)
i'm thinking a better way to handle this is to stick our respective
debian directories into distrib/debian and distrib/ubuntu. and then
either symlink or cp -a that to debian when building a package. this way
we can merge changes without having to worry about conflicts, and
manually introduce the changes that actually are common...

> secondly i really love the new update-kernels stuff. but there is one
> major breakage you introduce for all upgrading users by changin the
> default tftp location ... 

when i first brought up the feature, i announced that it would break
compatibility as a drawback, but didn't see any comments about it then.
there is no way i see to maintain the old way and still support multiple
architectures/chroots sanely.

> we cant update the
> existing /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf files right away (its a conffile)) 
> i think that needs discussion how to provide a safe upgrade path even
> for ubuntu users who rarely see the commandline before i can merge it :(

i tried to push for doing that split in the very first packages, so we
wouldn't have this upgrade problem, but met resistance from mdz.

we could make a backwards-compatible setting for ltsp-update-kernels,
that does it the old way, and if undefined, does it the new way?

> third i'd like to discuss the USR_LOCAL_SWAP parameter, in ubuntu we
> will solve it with a simple udev rule:
> /opt/ltsp/$ARCH/etc/udev/rules.d/86-ltsp.rules:
> SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="swap", RUN+="/sbin/mkswap %k
> && /sbin/swapon %k"
> which should be waay faster than walking all partitions with sfdisk and
> will be used automatically if a swap partition is avaliable, no need for
> additional lts.conf parameters ;)

doing it from udev is definitely cool, but it does make it more
difficult to set up encrypted swap that way. we could make a script that
gets called by udev and set it up for encrypted swap if configured that

> note that we will start using udev more and more in ubuntu where
> appropriate for hardware related stuff (i.e. the new local device
> support totally relies on udev) ... i know there are some major
> differences between upstream/ubuntu udev and the debian version which i
> dont have time to figure out, it would be nice if someone on the debian
> side could look into that compatibility issues ...

because of the potential differences, and because i think it should be
simple to enable or disable features (even if the default is to
automagically do everything), i'm a little hesitant... but if we can do
more udev stuff while keeping those two things in mind, i'm all for it

by the way, where are these udev rules in your bzr branches? makes it
hard to check for compatibility when i don't know whre to look :)

live well,

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