[Pkg-ltsp-devel] Bug#421324: ldm: NETWORK_COMPRESSION=False in client /etc/lts.conf not honoured

vagrant at freegeek.org vagrant at freegeek.org
Thu May 17 17:22:33 UTC 2007

tags 421324 pending

On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 10:18:31PM +0100, Tim Day wrote:
> While debian doesn't include much ltsp docs, googling leads me to believe
> that putting
> into my client's /etc/lts.conf should disable ssh compression.
> However, ssh is always being invoked with the -C option.

as a workaround, simply leaving NETWORK_COMPRESSION undefined in
lts.conf should behave as you would expect NETWORK_COMPRESSION=False to

> I think /usr/sbin/ldm needs patching thus:
> diff ldm.orig ldm
> 193c193
> <             if 'NETWORK_COMPRESSION' in os.environ:
> ---
> >             if 'NETWORK_COMPRESSION' in os.environ and get_config_bool('NETWORK_COMPRESSION'):
> or at least that's what I've done locally and it seems to work as intended.

yes, this would be a better way to do it. though i think simply:

             if get_config_bool('NETWORK_COMPRESSION'):

would be sufficient.

will fix this in the next upload.

live well,

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