[Pkg-ltsp-devel] LDM in lenny

vagrant at freegeek.org vagrant at freegeek.org
Mon Mar 17 14:50:07 UTC 2008

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 08:49:02AM -0400, daya wrote:
> I am facing problem in ltsp for lenny, I have installed LTSP5 in lenny using
> ltsp-build-client by follwoing the steps in http://wiki.debian.org/LTSP/Howto.
> All gets work But X doesn't get started in client. Is ldm is buggy in lenny.
> can't I use LTSP in lenny.

yes, the version in lenny has been broken for a long time.

on the positive side, it's good that it's broken in lenny, because the
version in lenny has a very bad security bug:


just install the ldm package from sid, and it should work fine.

live well,

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