[Pkg-ltsp-devel] Bug#522237: ltsp-server-standalone: should depend on ndb-server OR nfs-kernel-server

Alexander Kurtz kurtz.alex at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 2 12:04:57 UTC 2009

Hi Vagrant,

Am Mittwoch, den 01.04.2009, 15:04 -0700 schrieb Vagrant Cascadian:
> nbd also is needed to support NBD swap. the intention of the
> ltsp-server-standalone package is to have *all* functionality available.
> i'd rather err on the side of
> ltsp-server-standalone pulling in a little bit too much for non-default
> scenarios than the other way around.
> as you say, you can always install ltsp-server and whatever dependencies you
> want.
Thanks for clearing that. I do agree with you that
ltsp-server-standalone should depend on both if it's purpose is to have
*all* functionality available.

However, the description of ltsp-server-standalone currently is:

  This is the complete environment including a DHCP server to
  bootstrap the thin-clients.

  It ensures that remote sound using pulseaudio and remote device
  access using ltspfs is also available.

  LTSP stands for 'Linux Terminal Server Project'. 

Perhaps one could change the second paragraph to something like:

  It ensures that *all* functionality including remote sound using
  pulseaudio and remote device access using ltspfs is also available.

or similiar, just to clearify this...

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

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