[Pkg-ltsp-devel] Bug#689668: ltsp-client-core: SERVER in lts.conf ignored, wrong order in ltsp_config.d

Tim Dijkstra tim at famdijkstra.org
Sat Oct 13 19:35:33 UTC 2012

On vr, 2012-10-05 at 11:18 -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 11:09:50PM +0200, Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra) wrote:
> > Package: ltsp-client-core
> > Severity: normal
> What version of ltsp are you running? From the ltsp server, please paste the 
> output of runnning:
>   ltsp-info
root at ltspd:~# ltsp-info
server information:
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux testing (wheezy)
Release:	testing
Codename:	wheezy

server packages:
ii ldm-server 2:2.2.11-2
un ltsp-client-core <none>
un ltsp-docs <none>
ii ltsp-server 5.4.2-2
un ltsp-utils <none>
ii ltspfs 1.1-2

packages in chroot: /opt/ltsp/amd64
ii ldm 2:2.2.11-2
ii ldm-themes 12.07.1
ii ltsp-client 5.4.2-2
ii ltsp-client-core 5.4.2-2
ii ltspfsd 1.1-2
ii ltspfsd-core 1.1-2

found: /opt/ltsp/amd64/etc/lts.conf

> > In my setup the server that is logged into is different from the NFS
> > server serving the rootfs. By default ltsp assumes those are the same,
> > to override one can set the SERVER variable in lts.conf.
> You probably should use LDM_SERVER (or XDM_SERVER) to select the login server,
> not the SERVER variable.

Well, with server you said all *_SERVER vars.

> > However this doesn't work. This is because in ltsp_config.d the script
> > 01-getltscfg comes before 01-ltspconfig-cache, which means the later
> > will override the SERVER variable from lts.conf with a guess based on
> > the NFS server IP.
> > 
> > The solution is simple, just rename 01-ltspconfig-cache to
> > 00-ltspconfig-cache
> This may have other other unintended side-effects- I'll look into it.

Doing a simple grep, it seems that the only thing that is happening is
that in init-ltsp.d a few variables are cached and reloaded in

It is documented everywhere that you can override these variables by
setting it in /etc/lts.conf, in the current setup you can't.

root at ltspd:/usr/share/ltsp# grep -r /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config */*
init-ltsp.d/01-clean-cache:rm -f /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config_env
init-ltsp.d/03-kernel-cmdline:fi >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/04-server:                echo "NBD_ROOT_HOST=${server}" >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/04-server:                    echo "NBD_ROOT_NAME=${name}" >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/04-server:                    echo "NBD_ROOT_PORT=${port}" >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/04-server:                        echo NFS_SERVER=${server} >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/04-server:echo "SERVER=$SERVER" >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
init-ltsp.d/50-client-mac:    echo "LTSP_CLIENT_MAC=$LTSP_CLIENT_MAC" >> /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
ltsp_config.d/00-ltspconfig-cache:# Source /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
ltsp_config.d/00-ltspconfig-cache:if [ -f /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config ]; then
ltsp_config.d/00-ltspconfig-cache:    . /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config
ltsp_config.d/00-ltspconfig-cache:    cat /var/cache/ltsp/ltsp_config >> ${ltsp_config_env} || true

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