[Pkg-lustre-maintainers] [Fwd: Plans for pkg-lustre]

Patrick Winnertz patrick.winnertz at skolelinux.org
Thu Jul 19 09:56:36 UTC 2007

> > Hi,
> >
> > as you might have seen I already checked in some changes but I wanted
> > to ask for feedback before doing any more.
Where are your changes? 
We had to be careful in order to make no work twice since I also work the 
last days hard on packaging lustre. (Please have a look on my approach. (I 
moved it into branches/lustre- since this should at first be 
for etch (we need it for an customer). If everybody is fine with my 
approach I'll merge my changes with yours in trunk (I guess your approach 
is this one in trunk?) 
If yes my work is based on this one. 

> >
> > So here is what I want to do:
> >
> > - Build in seperate build dir instead inside the source.
Se above.

> >
> > The build process in lustre has no proper clean target so changes
> > remain and poison the diff.gz [done].
Yes, this is necessary.
I think this could we archive if we build in debian/build and remove this 
directory after build. 
This has the advantage that we could get an non-native package with propper 
diff.gz. (This is atm not possible from what is in the svn). 

> >
> > Alternatively we could put the lustre.tar.gz soruce into the source
> > and unpack it before patching and building. And remove the source tree
> > completly in clean.
Yes, this would be an alternative. We should discuss which approach is the 
best for this package.. .both had advantages. 

> >
> > - Rewrite the patch-debian-ver/patch-vanilla-ver
> >
> > The lustre patches are seperated and listed in the series files. They
> > are also shared between different kernel versions. I would like to
> > keep the seperate patches and series files have the apply/unapply
> > scripts use them.
> >
> > This way we save space where patches are shared between kernel
> > versions and we can simply copy the files instead of applying them in
> > turn and pulling a diff at the end. No need to Build-Depend on kernel
> > sources.
Sounds good. 

> >
> > - Remove lustre source from the svn, put it seperate and remove the
> > -<version>
> >
> > I don't think we want to create a new lustre-<version> for every
> > lustre release in svn. That would grow out of proportions quite
> > quickly. I'm not even sure we should track lustre developement at all.
> > It should be enough to track the debian dir, where all our work should
> > be. One would then just dump that into a lustre source or dump the
> > lustre.tar.gz file into it (see above) and build.
> >
> > If we keep the unpacked lustre source in our svn we should keep it in
> > a lustre dir (without -<version>) so only one copy is there and only
> > changes are saved. Not a full copy for every version.
Yes, this is my intention.
For this approach i would like to have the debian dir inside of the source 
(means inside from lustre- 

Patrick Winnertz

Could please the list admin either change the list setting that everybody 
can post to the list or that I also have rights to approve emails. This 
would be very kind since I fear that some messages won't arrive on this 
list and not everybody who wants to make a bugreport or to discuss 
something with us will subscribe to this list.

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