[Pkg-lustre-svn-commit] updated: [eb330e8] Adpated lustre-manpage.patch
Marco Nelles
marco.nelles at credativ.de
Tue Jun 5 07:45:16 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit eb330e8c87dcd96b1e57a0f852870e1c3b0dc625
Author: Marco Nelles <marco.nelles at credativ.de>
Date: Tue Jun 5 09:44:53 2012 +0200
Adpated lustre-manpage.patch
diff --git a/debian/patches/lustre-manpage.patch b/debian/patches/lustre-manpage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ec4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/lustre-manpage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+## lustre_manpatch.dpatch by Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>
+## DP: registred symbol not allowed.
+diff --git a/lustre/doc/lctl.8 b/lustre/doc/lctl.8
+index dca672d..71deb5f 100644
+--- a/lustre/doc/lctl.8
++++ b/lustre/doc/lctl.8
+@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ lctl \- Low level Lustre filesystem configuration utility
+ .B lctl
+ is used to directly control Lustre via an ioctl interface, allowing
+ various configuration, maintenance, and debugging features to be accessed.
+ .B lctl
+ can be invoked in interactive mode by issuing lctl command. After that, commands are issued as below. The most common commands in lctl are
+ .B dl
+ ,
+ .B dk
+ ,
+-.B device
++.B device
+ ,
+-.B network
++.B network
+ .I <up/down>
+ ,
+ .B list_nids
+@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ can be invoked in interactive mode by issuing lctl command. After that, commands
+ To get a complete listing of available commands, type
+ .B help
+ at the lctl prompt. To get basic help on the meaning and syntax of a
+-command, type
+-.B help
+-.I command
+-. Command completion is activated with the TAB key, and command history is available via the up- and down-arrow keys.
++command, type
++.B help
++.I command.
++Command completion is activated with the TAB key, and command history is available via the up- and down-arrow keys.
+-For non-interactive use, one uses the second invocation, which runs command after connecting to the device.
++For non-interactive use, one uses the second invocation, which runs command after connecting to the device.
+ .SS Network Configuration
+ .TP
+@@ -60,38 +60,38 @@ will take place on.
+ Check LNET connectivity via an LNET ping. This will use the fabric
+ appropriate to the specified NID.
+ .TP
+-.BI interface_list
+-Print the network interface information for a given
++.BI interface_list
++Print the network interface information for a given
+ .B network
+ type.
+ .TP
+-.BI peer_list
+-Print the known peers for a given
++.BI peer_list
++Print the known peers for a given
+ .B network
+ type.
+ .TP
+-.BI conn_list
++.BI conn_list
+ Print all the connected remote NIDs for a given
+ .B network
+ type.
+ .TP
+-.BI active_tx
++.BI active_tx
+ This command should print active transmits, and it is only used for elan network type.
+-.BI route_list
++.BI route_list
+ Print the complete routing table.
+ .PP
+ .SS Device Selection
+-.BI device " <devname> "
+-This will select the specified OBD device. All other commands depend on the device being set.
+-.BI device_list
+-Show all the local Lustre OBDs. AKA
++.BI device " <devname> "
++This will select the specified OBD device. All other commands depend on the device being set.
++.BI device_list
++Show all the local Lustre OBDs. AKA
+ .B dl
+ .PP
+ .SS Device Operations
+ .BI list_param " [-F|-R] <param_search ...>"
+ List the Lustre or LNet parameter name
+ .B -F
+@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ Delete a parameter setting (use the default value at the next restart). A null
+ .br
+ .B Parameters:
+ .br
+-All of the writable parameters under
++All of the writable parameters under
+ .B lctl list_param
+ .I lctl list_param -F osc.*.* | grep =
+ ) can be permanently set using
+ .B lctl conf_param
+@@ -222,33 +222,33 @@ All of the writable parameters under
+ Additionally, failover nodes may be added (or removed), and some system-wide parameters may be set as well (sys.at_max, sys.at_min, sys.at_extra, sys.at_early_margin, sys.at_history, sys.timeout, sys.ldlm_timeout.) <device> is ignored for system wide parameters.
+ .br
+ .B Examples:
+ # lctl conf_param testfs.sys.at_max=1200
+ .br
+-# lctl conf_param testfs.llite.max_read_ahead_mb=16
++# lctl conf_param testfs.llite.max_read_ahead_mb=16
+ .br
+ # lctl conf_param testfs-MDT0000.lov.stripesize=2M
+ .br
+-# lctl conf_param lustre-OST0001.osc.active=0
++# lctl conf_param lustre-OST0001.osc.active=0
+ .br
+-# lctl conf_param testfs-OST0000.osc.max_dirty_mb=29.15
++# lctl conf_param testfs-OST0000.osc.max_dirty_mb=29.15
+ .br
+-# lctl conf_param testfs-OST0000.ost.client_cache_seconds=15
++# lctl conf_param testfs-OST0000.ost.client_cache_seconds=15
+ .br
+ # lctl conf_param testfs-OST0000.failover.node= at tcp1
+-.BI activate
+-Reactivate an import after deactivating, below. This setting is only effective until the next restart (see
++.BI activate
++Reactivate an import after deactivating, below. This setting is only effective until the next restart (see
+ .B conf_param
+ ).
+-.BI deactivate
++.BI deactivate
+ Deactivate an import, in particular meaning do not assign new file stripes
+ to an OSC. This command should be used on the OSC in the MDT LOV
+ corresponding to a failed OST device, to prevent further attempts at
+ communication with the failed OST.
+-.BI abort_recovery
++.BI abort_recovery
+ Abort the recovery process on a restarting MDT or OST device
+ .PP
+ .SS Virtual Block Device Operation
+@@ -272,46 +272,46 @@ will not be purged beyond any registered users' set point. (See lfs changelog_cl
+ .BI changelog_deregister " <id>"
+ Unregister an existing changelog user. If the user's "clear" record number
+ is the minimum for the device, changelog records will be purged until the
+-next minimum.
++next minimum.
+ .PP
+ .SS Debug
+-.BI debug_daemon
++.BI debug_daemon
+ Start and stop the debug daemon, and control the output filename and size.
+-.BI debug_kernel " [file] [raw]"
++.BI debug_kernel " [file] [raw]"
+ Dump the kernel debug buffer to stdout or file.
+ .BI debug_file " <input> [output]"
+ Convert kernel-dumped debug log from binary to plain text format.
+-.BI clear
++.BI clear
+ Clear the kernel debug buffer.
+-.BI mark " <text>"
++.BI mark " <text>"
+ Insert marker text in the kernel debug buffer.
+-.BI filter " <subsystem id/debug mask>"
++.BI filter " <subsystem id/debug mask>"
+ Filter kernel debug messages by subsystem or mask.
+-.BI show " <subsystem id/debug mask>"
++.BI show " <subsystem id/debug mask>"
+ Show specific type of messages.
+-.BI debug_list " <subs/types>"
++.BI debug_list " <subs/types>"
+ List all the subsystem and debug types.
+ .TP
+-.BI modules " <path>"
++.BI modules " <path>"
+ Provide gdb-friendly module information.
+-The following options can be used to invoke lctl.
++The following options can be used to invoke lctl.
+ .TP
+-.B --device
++.B --device
+ The device to be used for the operation. This can be specified by name or
+-number. See
++number. See
+ .B device_list
+ .TP
+-.B --ignore_errors | ignore_errors
++.B --ignore_errors | ignore_errors
+ Ignore errors during script processing
+@@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ lctl > quit
+ Please report all bugs to Sun Microsystems, Inc. http://bugzilla.lustre.org/
+ .B lctl
+-is part of the
+-.BR Lustre (7)
++is part of the
++.BR Lustre (7)
+ filesystem package and is available from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ .br
+ http://www.sun.com/software/products/lustre/index.xml
+diff --git a/lustre/doc/lfs.1 b/lustre/doc/lfs.1
+index 5953ad4..5a23388 100644
+--- a/lustre/doc/lfs.1
++++ b/lustre/doc/lfs.1
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ lfs \- Lustre utility to create a file with specific striping pattern, find the
+ .br
+ .B lfs getname [-h]|[path ...]
+ .br
+-.B lfs getstripe [--obd|-O <uuid>] [--quiet|-q] [--verbose|-v]
++.B lfs getstripe [--obd|-O <uuid>] [--quiet|-q] [--verbose|-v]
+ \fB[--count | -c ] [--index | -i | --offset | -o ]
+ \fB[--size | -s ] [--pool | -p ] [--directory | -d ]
+ \fB[--recursive | -r] [--raw|-R] <dirname|filename> ...\fR
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ lfs \- Lustre utility to create a file with specific striping pattern, find the
+ .B lfs help
+ .B lfs
+-can be used to create a new file with a specific striping pattern, determine the default striping pattern, gather the extended attributes (object numbers and location) for a specific file. It can be invoked interactively without any arguments or in a non-interactive mode with one of the arguements supported.
++can be used to create a new file with a specific striping pattern, determine the default striping pattern, gather the extended attributes (object numbers and location) for a specific file. It can be invoked interactively without any arguments or in a non-interactive mode with one of the arguements supported.
+ The various options supported by lctl are listed and explained below:
+ .TP
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ interest to a particular consumer <id>, potentially allowing the MDT to
+ free up disk space. An <endrec> of 0 indicates the current last record.
+ Changelog consumers must be registered on the MDT node using \fBlctl\fR.
+ .TP
+-.B check
++.B check
+ Display the status of MDS or OSTs (as specified in the command) or all the servers (MDS and OSTs)
+ .TP
+ .B df [-i] [-h] [--pool|-p <fsname>[.<pool>] [path]
+@@ -101,8 +101,9 @@ specified print only the usage of that filesystem. If \fB-h\fR is given, the
+ output is printed in \fIh\fRuman readable format, using SI base-2 suffixes
+ for \fBM\fRega-, \fBG\fRiga-, \fBT\fRera-, \fBP\fReta-, or \fBE\fRxabytes.
+ .TP
+-.B find
+-To search the directory tree rooted at the given dir/file name for the files that match the given parameters: \fB--atime\fR (file was last accessed N*24 hours ago), \fB--ctime\fR (file's status was last changed N*24 hours ago), \fB--mtime\fR (file's data was last modified N*24 hours ago), \fB--obd\fR (file has an object on a specific OST or OSTs), \fB--size\fR (file has size in bytes, or \fBk\fRilo-, \fBM\fRega-, \fBG\fRiga-, \fBT\fRera-, \fBP\fReta-, or \fBE\fRxabytes if a suffix is given), \fB--type\fR (file has the type: \fBb\fRlock, \fBc\fRharacter, \fBd\fRirectory, \fBp\fRipe, \fBf\fRile, sym\fBl\fRink, \fBs\fRocket, or \fBD\fRoor (Solaris)), \fB--uid\fR (file has specific numeric user ID), \fB--user\fR (file owned by specific user, numeric user ID allowed), \fB--gid\fR (file has specific group ID), \fB--group\fR (file belongs to specific group, numeric group ID allowed). The option \fB--maxdepth\fR limits find to decend at most N levels of directory tree. The options \fB--print\fR and \fB--print0\fR print full file name, followed by a newline or NUL character correspondingly. Using \fB!\fR before an option negates its meaning (\fIfiles NOT matching the parameter\fR). Using \fB+\fR before a numeric value means \fIfiles with the parameter OR MORE\fR, while \fB-\fR before a numeric value means \fIfiles with the parameter OR LESS\fR.
++.B find
++To search the directory tree rooted at the given dir/file name for the files that match the given parameters: \fB--atime\fR (file was last accessed N*24 hours ago), \fB--ctime\fR (file's status was last changed N*24 hours ago), \fB--mtime\fR (file's data was last modified N*24 hours ago), \fB--obd\fR (file has an object on a specific OST or OSTs), \fB--size\fR (file has size in bytes, or \fBk\fRilo-, \fBM\fRega-, \fBG\fRiga-, \fBT\fRera-, \fBP\fReta-, or \fBE\fRxabytes if a suffix is given), \fB--type\fR (file has the type: \fBb\fRlock, \fBc\fRharacter, \fBd\fRirectory, \fBp\fRipe, \fBf\fRile, sym\fBl\fRink, \fBs\fRocket, or \fBD\fRoor (Solaris)), \fB--uid\fR (file has specific numeric user ID), \fB--user\fR (file owned by specific user, numeric user ID allowed), \fB--gid\fR (file has specific group ID), \fB--group\fR (file belongs to specific group, numeric group ID allowed). The option \fB--maxdepth\fR limits find to decend at most N levels of directory tree. The options \fB--print\fR and \fB--print0\fR
++print full file name, followed by a newline or NUL character correspondingly. Using \fB!\fR before an option negates its meaning (\fIfiles NOT matching the parameter\fR). Using \fB+\fR before a numeric value means \fIfiles with the parameter OR MORE\fR, while \fB-\fR before a numeric value means \fIfiles with the parameter OR LESS\fR.
+ .TP
+ .B getname [-h]|[path ...]
+ Report all the Lustre mount points and the corresponding Lustre filesystem
+@@ -110,13 +111,13 @@ instance. If one or more \fBpath\fR entries are provided, then only the
+ Lustre instance for these mount points is returned. If the path given is not on
+ a Lustre instance 'No such device' is reported.
+ .TP
+-.B osts
++.B osts
+ .RB [ path ]
+ List all the OSTs for all mounted filesystems. If a \fBpath\fR is provided
+ that is located on a lustre mounted file system then only the OSTs belonging
+ to that filesystem are displayed.
+ .TP
+-.B getstripe [--obd|-O <uuid>] [--quiet|-q] [--verbose|-v]
++.B getstripe [--obd|-O <uuid>] [--quiet|-q] [--verbose|-v]
+ \fB[--count | -c ] [--index | -i | --offset | -o ]
+ \fB[--pool | -p ] [--size | -s ] [--directory | -d ]
+ \fB[--recursive | -r ] [--raw | -R ] <dirname|filename>\fR
+@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ only want specific striping information then the options of
+ .BR --index ,
+ .BR --offset ,
+ or
+-.B --pool
++.B --pool
+ can be used to return only the specific fields.
+ .br
+ If the
+@@ -177,23 +178,23 @@ is the OST index (starting at 0) on which to start striping for this file. A
+ .I start_ost_index
+ of -1 allows the MDS to choose the starting index and it is strongly recommended, as this allows space and load balancing to be done by the MDS as needed. The
+ .I poolname
+-is the name of a predefined pool of OSTs (see
++is the name of a predefined pool of OSTs (see
+ .B lctl
+-) that will be used for striping. The
++) that will be used for striping. The
+ .IR stripe_count ,
+ .IR stripe_size ,
+ and
+ .I start_ost_index
+-will be used as well; the
++will be used as well; the
+ .I start_ost_index
+-must be part of the pool or an error will be returned.
++must be part of the pool or an error will be returned.
+ .TP
+ .B setstripe -d
+ Delete the default striping on the specified directory.
+ .TP
+ .B poollist
+ .RI { filesystem }[ .poolname "] | {" pathname }
+-List the pools in
++List the pools in
+ .I filesystem
+ or
+ .IR pathname ,
+@@ -227,10 +228,10 @@ To set filesystem quotas for users or groups. Limits can be specified with -b, -
+ .B setquota -t [-u|-g] [--block-grace <block-grace>] [--inode-grace <inode-grace>] <filesystem>
+ To set filesystem quota grace times for users or groups. Grace time is specified in "XXwXXdXXhXXmXXs" format or as an integer seconds value, see EXAMPLES
+ .TP
+-.B help
++.B help
+ Provides brief help on the various arguments
+ .TP
+-.B exit/quit
++.B exit/quit
+ Quit the interactive lfs session
+ .TP
+@@ -251,17 +252,17 @@ Recursively list all regular files in given directory more than 30 days old
+ .TP
+ .B $ lfs find --obd OST2-UUID /mnt/lustre/
+ Recursively list all files in a given directory that have objects on OST2-UUID.
+-.B $ lfs check servers
++.B $ lfs check servers
+ Check the status of all servers (MDT, OST)
+ .TP
+ .B $ lfs osts
+ List all the OSTs
+ .TP
+-.B $ lfs df -h
++.B $ lfs df -h
+ Lists space usage per OST and MDT in human readable format.
+ .TP
+-.B $ lfs df -i
++.B $ lfs df -i
+ Lists inode usage per OST and MDT
+ .TP
+ .B $ lfs df --pool <filesystem>[.<pool>] | <pathname>
+diff --git a/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8 b/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8
+index 604cf8a..cf646c1 100644
+--- a/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8
++++ b/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Timestamp Read-delta ReadRate Write-delta WriteRate
+ 1217026057 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s
+ 1217026058 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s
+ 1217026059 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s st:1
+ .fi
+ /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/<ostname>/stats.
+diff --git a/lustre/doc/lustre.7 b/lustre/doc/lustre.7
+index 730ba74..4abfd4e 100644
+--- a/lustre/doc/lustre.7
++++ b/lustre/doc/lustre.7
+@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
+ .\" Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License.
+ .\"
+-.TH Lustre 7 "2006 Jun 15" Lustre "A high-performance cluster file system"
++.TH Lustre 7
++Lustre - a high-performance cluster file system
+ A high-performance file system designed for clusters.
+-.B Lustre®
++.B Lustre\[rg]
+ is a high-performance, massively-scalable, POSIX-compliant network file system
+ designed for the world's largest high-performance compute clusters. Lustre
+ is under active development from Sun Microsystems (http://www.lustre.org).
+@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ across multiple nodes. Lustre clients can contact these server nodes over
+ multiple high-speed network fabrics via LNET, the Lustre NETworking
+ system. Clients then present the filesystem at a mount point to userspace.
+-A filesystem is comprised of a
++A filesystem is comprised of a
+ .I MDT
+ , MetaData Target, which stores directory and file meta-information such as
+ file ownership, timestamps, access permissions, etc, and a
+-series of
++series of
+ .I OSTs
+ , Object Storage Targets, which hold the file data in one or more objects.
+ There is typically not a 1:1 mapping of OST objects and what is presented
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ A low-level interface to control various aspects of Lustre
+ .TP
+ .BR lfs (1)
+ A user-level interface to control Lustre-specific information for
+-individual files.
++individual files.
+ .B lustre_config.sh
+ Format multiple Lustre targets simultaneously from definitions in a CSV
+ file.
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ file.
+ Please report all bugs to Sun Microsystems via http://bugzilla.lustre.org/
+ .B The
+-.BR Lustre (7)
++.BR Lustre (7)
+ filesystem package is available from Sun Microsystems, Inc via
+ .br
+ http://downloads.lustre.org/
diff --git a/debian/patches/lustre_manpage.patch b/debian/patches/lustre_manpage.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d09bf0..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/lustre_manpage.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-## lustre_manpatch.dpatch by Patrick Winnert <winnie at debian.org>
-## DP: registred symbol not allowed.
-Index: lustre/lustre/doc/lustre.7
---- lustre.orig/lustre/doc/lustre.7 2010-12-10 10:52:37.345194002 +0100
-+++ lustre/lustre/doc/lustre.7 2010-12-10 13:04:48.782428000 +0100
-@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
- .\" Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License.
- .\"
--.TH Lustre 7 "2006 Jun 15" Lustre "A high-performance cluster file system"
-+.TH Lustre 7
-+Lustre - a high-performance cluster file system
- A high-performance file system designed for clusters.
--.B Lustre®
-+.B Lustre\[rg]
- is a high-performance, massively-scalable, POSIX-compliant network file system
- designed for the world's largest high-performance compute clusters. Lustre
- is under active development from Sun Microsystems (http://www.lustre.org).
-Index: lustre/lustre/doc/lctl.8
---- lustre.orig/lustre/doc/lctl.8 2010-12-10 10:52:37.353194002 +0100
-+++ lustre/lustre/doc/lctl.8 2010-12-10 13:04:48.782428000 +0100
-@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
- at the lctl prompt. To get basic help on the meaning and syntax of a
- command, type
- .B help
--.I command
--. Command completion is activated with the TAB key, and command history is available via the up- and down-arrow keys.
-+.I command.
-+Command completion is activated with the TAB key, and command history is available via the up- and down-arrow keys.
- For non-interactive use, one uses the second invocation, which runs command after connecting to the device.
-Index: lustre/lustre/doc/lfs.1
---- lustre.orig/lustre/doc/lfs.1 2010-12-10 13:05:14.270428000 +0100
-+++ lustre/lustre/doc/lfs.1 2010-12-10 13:10:11.150428001 +0100
-@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
- .B lfs help
- .B lfs
--can be used to create a new file with a specific striping pattern, determine the default striping pattern, gather the extended attributes (object numbers and location) for a specific file, find files with specific attributes, list OST information, or set quota limits. It can be invoked interactively without any arguments or in a non-interactive mode with one of the arguements supported.
-+can be used to create a new file with a specific striping pattern, determine the default striping pattern, gather the extended attributes (object numbers and location) for a specific file, find files with specific attributes, list OST information, or set quota limits. It can be invoked interactively without any arguments or in a non-interactive mode with one of the arguments supported.
- The various options supported by lctl are listed and explained below:
- .TP
-@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
- .TP
- .B $ lfs find --obd OST2-UUID /mnt/lustre/
- Recursively list all files in a given directory that have objects on OST2-UUID.
- .B $ lfs check servers
- Check the status of all servers (MDT, OST)
- .TP
-Index: lustre/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8
---- lustre.orig/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8 2010-12-10 13:08:15.510428000 +0100
-+++ lustre/lustre/doc/llobdstat.8 2010-12-10 13:08:22.162428000 +0100
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- 1217026057 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s
- 1217026058 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s
- 1217026059 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s st:1
- .fi
- /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/<ostname>/stats.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 0e76ea1..c771b07 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ no-darwin.patch
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