Bug#361358: libdevmapper1.02: Please add LSB formatted dependency info in init.d script

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Apr 8 05:29:45 UTC 2006

Package: libdevmapper1.02
Version: 2:1.01.00-4
Tags: patch

To be able to check boot script order, and also to be able to start
boot scripts in parallel, it is important to know the dependencies of
the various boot scripts.  The Linux Software Base specifies a init.d
header file format useful for this purpose, and adding such header to
the libdevmapper init.d script would make it possible for me to use
this information to check the current sequence and speed up the debian

documents the LSB header format.

Here is a patch to document the dependencies of libdevmapper.  As far
as I can tell (it starts first in the boot sequence on my machine), it
does not depend on many of the other init.d scripts, and should be
running for all runlevels except 0 (halt), 1 (single user) and 6
(reboot).  I hope this was correct.

--- /etc/init.d/libdevmapper1.02.orig  2005-11-15 19:24:20.000000000 +0100
+++ /etc/init.d/libdevmapper1.02       2006-04-08 07:27:20.994317893 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
 #! /bin/sh

+# Provides:          libdevmapper
+# Required-Start:    modutils
+# Required-Stop:     modutils
+# Should-Start:      hotplug discover udev devfsd
+# Default-Start:     S 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6

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