Bug#417938: lvm2create_initrd missing pieces

Phil Dibowitz phil at ipom.com
Tue Aug 14 04:10:06 UTC 2007

By the way, I figured out what the problem was.

The lvm2 hook for initramfs-tools is specifically looking for the mapper
path, such as "root=/dev/mapper/vg00-root" as opposed to the canonical path,

It regex's out /dev/mapper and then splits on "-" to get the group and
logical volume to activate.

Can the scripts either be updated to recognize either format, or can the
documentation be updated to be very clear on this requirement?

Phil Dibowitz                             phil at ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

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 Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
 Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
 Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
 Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible" -- Taylor's Laws of Programming

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