lvrename fails to clear blkid cache
Isaac M. Marcos
isaacmarcos at
Mon Aug 11 17:36:30 UTC 2008
I found a problem that I'm not shure to report as a bug, I would like your input to asscertain that it is indeed worth filing a bug.
Short description:
On using lvrename with UUID I get a failure to mount a "logical volume".
As I understand, the sequence to rename a "logical volume" should be:
umount /dev/VG4/test
lvrename /dev/VG4/test /dev/VG4/newtest
mount -a
The mount command fails with a " the special device UUID=(...) doesn't exist."
kernel: Linux 2.6.25-2-amd64 #1 SMP GNU/Linux
OS: Debian testing
lvm2 version: 2.02.39-2
Detailed sequence:
fstab contains only one line related to the partition:
zeus:/home#cat /etc/fstab | grep test
UUID=5e5c9ec4-b8d7-4670-a71a-54d1aee6632a /home/test ext3 defaults,acl 0 9
Mount works without a problem:
zeus:/home#mount -a
The "logical volume" is correctly mounted:
zeus:/home#mount | grep test
/dev/mapper/VG4-Ltest on /home/test type ext3 (rw,acl)
The "logical volume" is correct:
zeus:/home# lvs | grep test
Ltest VG4 -wi-a- 24,56G
lvrename works correctly:
zeus:/home# lvrename VG4 Ltest Ltes
Renamed "Ltest" to "Ltes" in volume group "VG4"
Mount the affected volume fails to work:
zeus:/home# mount -a
mount: the special device UUID=5e5c9ec4-b8d7-4670-a71a-54d1aee6632a doesn't exist.
Being at this point in a very limited time window I opted to erase the failing volume and recreated it with a new
name, leaving for latter finding what the real problem was.
After recreating the situation with a new volume, I got conviced this was a "real" problem and not a failure on my part.
To find "what" was the real problem, got me into looking for what/who was making the UUID of the device fail.
Detail of some info after the lvrename:
The "logical volume" exists:
zeus:/home# lvs | grep Ltes
Ltes VG4 -wi-a- 24,56G
The "logical volume" is ACTIVE:
zeus:/home# lvscan | grep Ltes
ACTIVE '/dev/VG4/Ltest' [24,56 GB] inherit
The "logical volume" is correctly allocated:
zeus:/home# lvdisplay
--- Logical volume ---
LV Name /dev/VG4/Ltest
VG Name VG4
LV UUID zGwUqV-Ckn4-hJuV-KdYG-Ub2Q-ibl6-FBghTP
LV Write Access read/write
LV Status available
# open 0
LV Size 24,56 GB
Current LE 6288
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors auto
- currently set to 256
Block device 253:12
The UUID of the corresponding ext3 filesystem is correct:
zeus:/home# dumpe2fs /dev/VG4/Ltes
dumpe2fs 1.41.0 (10-Jul-2008)
Filesystem UUID: 5e5c9ec4-b8d7-4670-a71a-54d1aee6632a
Q: So, why this "logical volume" fails to mount with "mount -a"?
Finally I discovered that there is a cache system for UUID provided by
Erasing the failing line on that file corrected the problem. Or making a "blkid -g" could work as well.
A: is holding a stale line with wrong info.
Erase the line in
zeus:/home#vi /etc/ --> eliminate line with Ltest
Make blkid re-scan the devices:
zeus:/home#blkid | grep Ltes
/dev/mapper/VG4-Ltes: UUID="5e5c9ec4-b8d7-4670-a71a-54d1aee6632a" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
And "mount -a" works correctly.
lvrename should erase any reference to the name it is making unavailable from
Could we spare others to have the same problems?
Thanks for your attention in advance.
Isaac M. Marcos
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