Bug#504402: lvm-common init file create a character file (/dev/lvm) that can conflict with lvm user's configuration

Dazgard dazgard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 14:42:34 UTC 2008

Package: lvm-common

Version: 1.5.20

lvm-common contain an init rc script with an hardcoded file creation
for /dev/lvm
in my case i called my VG lvm. and created an LV under it (/dev/lvm/bacula).
on reboot, the lvm-common script will create a LVM device (/dev/lvm).
that file will prevent the system to activate this LV.

i had to remove /dev/lvm inorder to active and mount my LV.

Maybe the script should not create /dev/lvm and let the user's lvm
configuration take care of that
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