Bug#586046: lvm2: fully document --physicalextentsize of vgcreate(8)

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Tue Jun 15 22:40:07 UTC 2010

Package: lvm2
Version: 2.02.66-1
Severity: wishlist


The vgcreate(8) manpage does not describe everything of the option --physicalextentsize:
> -s, --physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[bBsSkKmMgGtTpPeE]

- bB and sS are not described at all
- it's not described whether <small letter> has always the same meaning as its
  corresponging <capital letter>
  (perhaps one is e.g. KB while the other is KiB).

Unfortunately I could not find this out, so I cannot provide patches :(


btw: For this option and probably thorughout the whole package it would be good
to specify whether MB is really MB or MiB :)

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