Bug#655715: lvm2: fails to install due to insserv rejecting the script header

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sun Jan 15 21:14:58 UTC 2012

merge 655715 543163
# and fixed in 2.02.84-3

Hi Bastian,

On Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012, Bastian Blank wrote:
> 2.02.88-2 is current. This is #543163 and fixed in 2.02.84-3.


> Please stop wasting peoples time with bugs against outdated packages
> without telling so.

sorry for wasting your time and thanks for your work on lvm2! 

please save everybody some time and look at the issues at
(and other distros). and please do talk to me if you think some issues 
shouldn't be there!


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