[Pkg-lyx-devel] Bug#286555: Lyx is removed from unstable sytems since python 2.4 is now "standard" for python

Peter Samuelson Peter Samuelson <peter@p12n.org>, 286555@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 23:16:28 -0600

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[Aron T]
> it's that I am running the Ubuntu version of Debian, and python
> package is 2.4-0ubuntu2.

Yep.  Ubuntu is not Debian.  Occasionally, like now, you'll get bitten
mixing the two.  As they say, "don't do that, then."  Use the Ubuntu
lyx package, if they have one.

> But still, the question remains why is lyx removed just because python
> is 2.4 if 2.3 is still installed?

lyx got this dependency before python 2.4 was released.  Presumably it
was unknown whether the scripts would be compatible with python 2.4.
Now that python 2.4 *is* released, the dependency can probably either
be loosened to include it, or tightened to "python2.3".

Either way, though, this isn't a bug.  It should be either be closed,
or reincarnated as 'wishlist'.

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