[Pkg-lyx-devel] environment combobox in lyx-qt not responding and bullets

Alberto Corbi Bellot alberto_corbi@terra.es
Thu, 07 Oct 2004 09:17:42 +0200

hi...  i happen to experience the following when using lyx-qt:
sometimes, when i try to click in the environment combobox (the menu
below the menubar where you can choose environments like itemize,
section, subsection) it does not respond to my command: it does not show
the menu. all other buttons and menus work fine. only this combobox.

any indeas? i use debian sarge.

another problem is that it seems it can't use other bullet than the
common hyphen "-". even if i say lyx to user other bullets in document
format dialog, it won't do it. they are not displayed in lyx not shown
in the dvi document... am i doing something wrong?
am i to add new LaTeX packages or something else?

thanks beforehand.

Alberto Corbi Bellot <alberto_corbi@terra.es>