[Pkg-lyx-devel] Bug#299111: lyx: lyrc.defaults should have a ps "gv --swap" instead of ps "gv -swap"
Rob Weir
Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>, 299111@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 12 Mar 2005 12:06:18 +1100
thanks for reporting this!
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 10:18:59PM +0100, Niklaus Giger said
> Package: lyx
> Version: 1.3.4-1
> Severity: normal
> I follow the testing distribuiton quite closely. I use Ctrl-t to convert
> my LyX documents to postcript and viewing them with gv.
> Lately a upgrade (I don't of which package) broke my installation and a
> reconfigure didn't help.
> Changing gv -swap --> gv --swap resolved my problem.
Hm, I can't seem to find where this config option is stored. Where did
you have to change this? It doesn't seem to be in
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