[Pkg-lyx-devel] QWidgetPrivate::beginSharedPainter: Painter is already active lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught

Per Olofsson pelle at dsv.su.se
Mon May 5 14:25:23 UTC 2008

Sven Hoexter wrote:
> Oh and I just wrote a mail to debian-release to ask for a give-back
> on mips and ppc to push this issue a bit. pkg-lyx-devel CC'ed but I've
> lately some issue with mailing to lists.d.o and lists.alioth.d.o.
> Seems that my mails are lost somewhere between my ISPs mailrely and .d.o. :(

Great, thanks!

It seems there were some errors on part of the buildd's regarding mips and
powerpc. On one the build was terminated (OOM killer?), and on the other aspell
headers were missing (out of disk space?).


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