[Pkg-lyx-devel] [SCM] LyX packaging branch, master, updated. f552590d619bbfe7157bca228d5604b96664f5e5

Sven Hoexter sven at timegate.de
Sun Jul 19 18:21:15 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 07:05:59PM +0200, Per Olofsson wrote:

> > + The following fonts are part of this package:
> > + cmex10, cmmi10, cmr10, cmsy10, esint10, eufm10, msam10, msbm10, wasy10. 
> This is good, but it would be nice to spell out the full names of the
> fonts also. I don't know them all myself. I know cm stands for Computer
> Modern at least.

According to the license text and combining it with what it contains 'esint'
could be 'Eddie Saudrais integral' but I doubt that someone will ever search
for it with this name.

Some information about the AMS fonts can be found in the AMS userguide:

I'm still not sure if someone will search for any of those fonts with the
full name but I've to agree that simply listing them with their short names
and size attribute is ugly.

Would a longer list (like the one on the lyx-common package) make sense?
e.g. * Eddie Saudrais integral (esint10)

If I put myself to the test, would I ever raise a fist?
Would I just shut my mouth, would I just block it out?
      [ Less than Jake - Nervous in the alley]

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