[Pkg-lyx-devel] LyX 1.6.10 for Debian Stable

Sven Hoexter sven at timegate.de
Sat Jul 30 10:05:25 UTC 2011

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:37:45PM +0200, Martin Brüning wrote:


> I was wondering why there is no deb package of the LyX Version
> 1.6.10 for the stable Distribution.

We (as in the Debian project) do not include new upstream releases
into stable releases. There is the backports.debian.org service but
this is about backports which means that the package has to enter
testing first. Since we switched to 2.0.0 way before 1.6.10 got
released it never hit the Debian archive and thus can't be included
in the official backports repository.

> It is my impression that usere
> would appreciate it If there was one. Many users prefere using the
> prooven rock solid 1.6.x version instead of the 2.x version.

Other uses would prefer to see a 2.0.x version on backports.d.o. :)

Main issue here is that I no longer use LyX (the package is up for
adoption) http://bugs.debian.org/634757 and all I'm willing to do
is to sponsor a backport if someone steps up to maintain it through
the squeeze release cycle. But this won't help you with the request
for 1.6.10 anyway.

> Even an
> unofficial build would be helpful. I am not an experienced user and
> I failed compiling the source. I tried "./configure" and then "make"
> but I was unable to understand the error messages.

If you add a deb-src line for the main archive to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and install the build-deps with 'apt-get build-dep lyx' first it could
work. I think there are some information in the LyX wiki.
Start here http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXOnDebian

> So a binary
> package would be very helpful for me. As I found out there are many
> repositories offering more up to date lyx packages for many
> distribution:
> http://pkgs.org/package/lyx
> http://www.getdeb.net/software/LyX

I didn't look at them but most third party debs floating around on
the lyx-user mailinglist during the last years were often build in
very strange and IMO broken ways.

For 'getdeb' packages I've been told by someone that I trust, that they
introduced security issue in their php packages, so I won't trust those repos.
Always remember that you install binary packages with root privs.

> So I conclude the need is there and Debian should not stand behind
> :-) I would donate 25€ to the debian project if there was a LyX
> 1.6.10 package for stable.

It should be rather easy to build some but I won't use or support
them so I don't see a benefit for the community. It would only cause
more irritation.

And I don't know much, but I do know this:
With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
     [ Streetlight Manifesto - Here's To Life ]

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