[Pkg-lyx-devel] Action requested: migration of alioth list pkg-lyx-devel

Dr. Tobias Quathamer toddy at debian.org
Thu Feb 1 20:49:31 UTC 2018

Am 28.01.2018 um 19:26 schrieb alioth lists migration team:
> Dear list owner,
> As per the announcement on debian-devel-announce[1] the migration of
> lists.alioth.debian.org mailing lists is now underway. If you would
> like pkg-lyx-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> to be included in this process, to ensure that the list still works
> after the migration in late March/April, please let us know by replying
> to this email. Otherwise, the list will stop working at migration time
> and the archives will no longer be accessible.
> Feel free to also let us know if the list is no longer needed, so we can
> note that down too. Replies must be received by 15th March 2018.

Dear lists migration team,

the list pkg-lyx-devel at l.a.d.o does not need to be migrated.


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