Bug#375962: madwifi: Please add a note in the description about relation with Marlow's packages

Kel Modderman kelrin at tpg.com.au
Sat Jul 1 01:22:32 UTC 2006

Eric Lavarde wrote:
> Package: madwifi
> Severity: wishlist
> Hi,
> before migrating from Marlow's packages (http://debian.marlow.dk/) to
> the ones from non-free, I really hesitated a long time because it was
> not clear to me what the relation between the both is: they are named
> exactly the same, but have a completly different numbering scheme. So I
> asked myself, which one is more up-to-date? Are they compatible? What
> will the "downgrade" break? Etc...

You could have asked us on our mailing list 
(pkg-madwifi-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org) too :-)

> For this reason, and assuming Marlow's packages are relatively often
> used, I think that a note in the long description of the packages saying
> something like: "This package is not related to the madwifi packages
> from http://debian.marlow.dk/ but can replace them without expected
> drawbacks." would have been helpful.

I would prefer not to put anything like that in the debian/control file 
description. The packages from marlow.dk may have been around a lot 
longer, but they are not officially recognised or supported, afaik.

However, I would find it appropriate to add a note to 
madwifi-source/README.Debian. Is the text suggested above all that you 
would like to be mentioned? Please feel free to provide any other words 
that may help others in your situation.

Thanks, Kel.

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