./libtinymail/debian r13: debian/copyright: Added section on how the autogenerated files are created.

Jonny Lamb jonnylamb at jonnylamb.com
Fri Jun 27 20:05:41 UTC 2008

revno: 13
committer: Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb at jonnylamb.com>
branch nick: libtinymail-0.0.9
timestamp: Sat 2008-05-10 13:53:24 +0100
  debian/copyright: Added section on how the autogenerated files are created.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'debian/changelog'
--- a/debian/changelog	2008-05-08 18:19:52 +0000
+++ b/debian/changelog	2008-05-10 12:53:24 +0000
@@ -9,14 +9,17 @@
     + Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3.
     + Added Vcs-Bzr field.
   * debian/rules: Misc cleanups.
-  * debian/copyright: Added upstream URL, authors and copyright holders.
+  * debian/copyright:
+    + Added upstream URL, authors and copyright holders.
+    + Added section on how the autogenerated files are created.
   * Renamed /usr/bin/tny-demoui to /usr/bin/tny-demoui-1.0-0 to deal with
     SONAME changes.
   * debian/patches: Removed all old dpatch patches and added
     use-gtkhtml3.14.diff. Also converted patch system to quilt.
   * Created new binary packages, libtinymailui-gtkhtml-{1.0-0,dev}.
+  * 
- -- Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb at jonnylamb.com>  Thu, 03 Apr 2008 18:40:56 +0100
+ -- Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb at jonnylamb.com>  Sat, 10 May 2008 13:52:52 +0100
 libtinymail (0.0.7-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

=== modified file 'debian/copyright'
--- a/debian/copyright	2008-05-10 12:52:04 +0000
+++ b/debian/copyright	2008-05-10 12:53:24 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,21 @@
     ?ystein Gisn?s <oystein at gisnas.net>
     Thomas Viehmann <tv at beamnet.de>
+Autogenerated files:
+ * bindings/dotnet/*/*-api.raw files were created by using gapi-parser, with the
+   respective bindings/dotnet/$1/$2-sources.xml files as arguments.
+ * bindings/dotnet/*.snk was created using the sn(1) tool, which is available
+   from the mono-1.0-devel package.
+ *  libtinymail-camel/camel-lite/camel/camel-charset-map.c shows how to create
+    libtinymail-camel/camel-lite/camel/camel-charset-map-private.h:
+        gcc -DBUILD_MAP camel-charset-map.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glib-2.0`
+        (plus any -I/-L/-l flags you need for iconv), then run it as
+        ./a.out > camel-charset-map-private.h
 The following copyright applies to all of files in this package, with the

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