[SCM] Debian packaging for libhildon. annotated tag, debian/2.1.34.debian.1-1, created. debian/2.1.34.debian.1-1

Riku Voipio nchip at aardvark.home
Sun Mar 1 21:18:48 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/2.1.34.debian.1-1 has been created
        at  a635dd712dc30b20303d9bcd05e95c1936e7fe16 (tag)
   tagging  798021f21c75030672af17ab60bd6cf23df359c6 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.1.34.debian.1
 tagged by  Riku Voipio
        on  Sun Mar 1 23:17:06 2009 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2.1.34.debian.1-1

Adilson Oliveira (1):
      Added patch to avoid hildon window to crash due wrong memory allocation.

Jonny Lamb (23):
      Merged with Ubuntu's trunk branch.
      * Updated package descriptions in control.
      * Merge with trunk branch
      * Add myself to Uploaders.
      * Merged with trunk branch.
      * Merge changes.
      * Merged with trunk branch.
      * Update Debian package version.
      Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
      debian/gbp.conf: Added git-buildpackage config file.
      Merge commit 'upstream/2.1.34.debian.1' into debian
      New upstream release.
      debian/README.source: Added.
      debian/control: Use my debian.org email address.
      debian/control: Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
      debian/control: Added Vcs-{Git,Browser} fields.
      debian/control: Upped deps on GTK+ to >= 2.12.
      debian/control: Added build-dep on libcanberra-dev.
      debian/copyright: Updated URL of tarball location.
      debian/watch: Added dversionmangle option to remove ".debian" from upstream version.
      debian/watch: Updated URL.
      debian/update-patches.mk: Added.
      debian/rules: Include update-patches.mk.

Loïc Minier (11):
      * Set Maintainer to Debian Maemo Maintainer; add myself in Uploaders.
      * Cleanup rules.
      * Only pass --host to configure if DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE and DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE
      * Update copyright.
      * Add watch file.
      * Tune descriptions.
      * Bump up Standards-Version to 3.7.2.
      * Wrap build-deps and deps.
      * Add ${misc:Depends}.
      * Update version scheme to indicate a repacked tarball and document
      * Merged with trunk branch.

Riku Voipio (9):
      Merged ubuntu changes
      Add myself as uploader
      changelog updata
      cleaner clean target
      * Tagged version 1.99.1.debian.1-1.
      Add patches to debian-branch
      Add quilt to build rules
      Changelog update
      upload to unstable

Tollef Fog Heen (32):
      * Remove epoch from libgtk-dev in Depends and Build-Depends, as they are
      * Remove build-dependency and dependency on libosso-esd-dev to allow
      * Pass --without-maemo-gtk to configure.
      * Change gpointer * to gpointer in src/hildon-banner.c to fix FTBFS
      * Change == to = in autogen.sh; == in tests is a bashism.
      Release 1.0.5-1ubuntu1
      Make sure to remove debian/build in debian/rules clean.
      * Update debian/copyright with blurb and reference to the common place
      * Stop creating links to libhildon_1.so* in debian/rules.
      * Update to debhelper compat level 5 and fix the build of the debug
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu2
      * Remove osso-sounds-ui from libhildon1 Depends.  They're non-free and
      * Add long descriptions.
      * Remove obsolete version code from debian/rules.
      * Rename library packages to match sonames.
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu3
      * Build-depend on automake, for depcomp, install-sh, missing.
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu4
      * Rename libhildon1.install to libhildon1-0.install
      * Update dh_makeshlibs call to match libhildon1-0 package name.
      * Make autogen.sh call automake with --copy.
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu5
      * It's libhildon-1-0, not libhildon1-0, fix control file.
      * Rename .install files accordingly.
      * Fix -dbg package to include debug symbols.
      * Update shlibs to match package rename.
      * debian/compat says 5, so update versioned build-depends on debhelper
      Update upload target to UNRELEASED
      Fix depends for package rename
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu6
      * Update Maintainer field to be ubuntu-mobile.
      releasing version 1.0.5-1ubuntu7


Debian packaging for libhildon.

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