Bug#485682: Anyone working on this?

Riku Voipio riku.voipio at iki.fi
Sun Jun 29 16:51:45 UTC 2008

severity #485682 important

> it with above command. I really think this bug makes the package (and in 
> fact most of the entire Hildon) practically unusable.

I disagree, being ugly is not being unusable. As others mentioned, the
adding a nice theme and icons will make it pretty again. It's still
going to be quite boring until some hildon applications get folded in.

> I know that handling bug reports must be annoying

Bugreports are not annoying, but inflating the bug severity to get
maintainer attention is.

> I really hope you have enough time to fix this; I'd perhaps fix it but I'm
> already stretched across several projects so any time I have left goes to
> having fun (and debugging random software ... well ...)

Well, so far the maemo team is lacking members with extra time.

If you want try a prettier version, you'll need to get some themes
and icons. See


For instructions.

"rm -rf" only sounds scary if you don't have backups

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