Packaging python-hildon

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sat Jun 13 13:24:18 UTC 2009


Is there a reason why python-hildon is in Ubuntu[1] but not in Debian?

I wanted to try to build some simple GUI interfaces for the openmoko,
and I would like to avoid the various python-e* things, so hildon looked
like a thing to try. But python is more attractive than C for quick
experiments, hence I was hoping to use the python bindings to the hildon

I've tried to build the Ubuntu version on my FreeRunner, but it looks
like the generated code does not include the right headers.

I have not looked too much into it yet because the build system, after
a build failure, seems to delete all autogenerated files: you get lots
of gcc errors about a file that does not exists anymore afterwards: not
an encouraging start.

So, is python-hildon already in someone's TODO list? Is there a specific
reason why it isn't in Debian? Is there anything else I should know
about it before putting effort in giving a closer look?




GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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