[Pkg-mc-commits] r143 - trunk/debian/patches/utf8

winnie at alioth.debian.org winnie at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 9 16:00:00 UTC 2008

Author: winnie
Date: 2008-06-09 15:59:59 +0000 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 143

Remove patches of Makefile.in's

Modified: trunk/debian/patches/utf8/recode.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/utf8/recode.patch	2008-06-09 15:50:06 UTC (rev 142)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/utf8/recode.patch	2008-06-09 15:59:59 UTC (rev 143)
@@ -10,18 +10,6 @@
      edit->force = REDRAW_COMPLETELY;
      edit_refresh_cmd (edit);
-diff -Nurwd mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/edit/Makefile.in mc-4.6.2~pre1/edit/Makefile.in
---- mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/edit/Makefile.in	2007-09-11 16:33:38.000000000 +0200
-+++ mc-4.6.2~pre1/edit/Makefile.in	2008-02-13 21:01:06.000000000 +0100
-@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
-+SOURCES = $(libedit_a_SOURCES)
- srcdir = @srcdir@
- top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
- VPATH = @srcdir@
 diff -Nurwd mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/po/ru.po mc-4.6.2~pre1/po/ru.po
 --- mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/po/ru.po	2007-09-11 16:35:10.000000000 +0200
 +++ mc-4.6.2~pre1/po/ru.po	2008-02-13 21:01:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -875,52 +863,6 @@
  	tree.c tree.h treestore.c treestore.h tty.c tty.h user.c user.h	\
  	util.c util.h utilunix.c view.c view.h vfsdummy.h widget.c	\
  	widget.h win.c win.h wtools.c wtools.h unixcompat.h		\
-diff -Nurwd mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/src/Makefile.in mc-4.6.2~pre1/src/Makefile.in
---- mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/src/Makefile.in	2007-09-11 16:33:39.000000000 +0200
-+++ mc-4.6.2~pre1/src/Makefile.in	2008-02-13 21:01:06.000000000 +0100
-@@ -95,12 +95,12 @@
- 	mountlist.c mountlist.h mouse.c mouse.h myslang.h option.c \
- 	option.h panel.h panelize.c panelize.h poptalloca.h popt.c \
- 	poptconfig.c popt.h popthelp.c poptint.h poptparse.c profile.c \
--	profile.h regex.c rxvt.c screen.c setup.c setup.h slint.c \
-+	profile.h regex.c rxvt.c screen.c screen.h setup.c setup.h slint.c \
- 	subshell.c subshell.h textconf.c textconf.h tree.c tree.h \
- 	treestore.c treestore.h tty.c tty.h user.c user.h util.c \
- 	util.h utilunix.c view.c view.h vfsdummy.h widget.c widget.h \
- 	win.c win.h wtools.c wtools.h unixcompat.h x11conn.h x11conn.c \
--	ecs.h ecs.c charsets.c charsets.h selcodepage.c selcodepage.h
-+	ecs.h ecs.c charsets.c charsets.h selcodepage.c selcodepage.h recode.c recode.h
- am__objects_1 = achown.$(OBJEXT) background.$(OBJEXT) boxes.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	chmod.$(OBJEXT) chown.$(OBJEXT) cmd.$(OBJEXT) color.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	command.$(OBJEXT) complete.$(OBJEXT) cons.handler.$(OBJEXT) \
-@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
- 	tty.$(OBJEXT) user.$(OBJEXT) util.$(OBJEXT) utilunix.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	view.$(OBJEXT) widget.$(OBJEXT) win.$(OBJEXT) wtools.$(OBJEXT) \
- 	x11conn.$(OBJEXT) ecs.$(OBJEXT)
--am__objects_2 = charsets.$(OBJEXT) selcodepage.$(OBJEXT)
-+am__objects_2 = charsets.$(OBJEXT) selcodepage.$(OBJEXT) recode.$(OBJEXT)
- @CHARSET_FALSE at am_mc_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1)
- @CHARSET_TRUE at am_mc_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) $(am__objects_2)
- mc_OBJECTS = $(am_mc_OBJECTS)
-@@ -329,7 +329,8 @@
--CHARSET_SRC = charsets.c charsets.h selcodepage.c selcodepage.h
-+CHARSET_SRC = charsets.c charsets.h selcodepage.c selcodepage.h		\
-+	recode.c recode.h
- SRCS = achown.c achown.h background.c background.h boxes.c boxes.h	\
- 	chmod.c chmod.h chown.c chown.h cmd.c cmd.h color.c color.h	\
- 	command.c command.h complete.c complete.h cons.handler.c	\
-@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@
- 	menu.c menu.h mountlist.c mountlist.h mouse.c mouse.h myslang.h	\
- 	option.c option.h panel.h panelize.c panelize.h poptalloca.h	\
- 	popt.c poptconfig.c popt.h popthelp.c poptint.h poptparse.c	\
--	profile.c profile.h regex.c rxvt.c screen.c setup.c setup.h	\
-+	profile.c profile.h regex.c rxvt.c screen.c screen.h setup.c setup.h	\
- 	slint.c	subshell.c subshell.h textconf.c textconf.h		\
- 	tree.c tree.h treestore.c treestore.h tty.c tty.h user.c user.h	\
- 	util.c util.h utilunix.c view.c view.h vfsdummy.h widget.c	\
 diff -Nurwd mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/src/panel.h mc-4.6.2~pre1/src/panel.h
 --- mc-4.6.2~pre1.orig/src/panel.h	2004-12-03 20:17:47.000000000 +0100
 +++ mc-4.6.2~pre1/src/panel.h	2008-02-13 21:01:06.000000000 +0100

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