[Pkg-mc-commits] r155 - in trunk/debian/patches: . mc.ext

winnie at alioth.debian.org winnie at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jun 17 13:03:06 UTC 2008

Author: winnie
Date: 2008-06-17 13:03:06 +0000 (Tue, 17 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 155

fix another bug

Modified: trunk/debian/patches/all.series
--- trunk/debian/patches/all.series	2008-06-17 12:26:00 UTC (rev 154)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/all.series	2008-06-17 13:03:06 UTC (rev 155)
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@

Added: trunk/debian/patches/mc.ext/10_run_mailcap.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/mc.ext/10_run_mailcap.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/mc.ext/10_run_mailcap.patch	2008-06-17 13:03:06 UTC (rev 155)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+diff -Nurwd orig/mc-4.6.2~git20080311/lib/mc.ext.in mc-4.6.2~git20080311/lib/mc.ext.in
+--- orig/mc-4.6.2~git20080311/lib/mc.ext.in	2008-06-17 14:20:46.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.6.2~git20080311/lib/mc.ext.in	2008-06-17 14:59:17.000000000 +0200
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
+ # tar
+ regex/\.(tar|TAR)$
+ 	Open=%cd %p#utar
+-	View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf - %f
++	View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf - < %f
+ # lha
+ type/^LHa\ .*archive
+@@ -228,6 +228,15 @@
+         Open=%cd %p#deba
+         View=%view{ascii} apt-cache show `echo %p | sed 's/\([0-9a-z.-]*\).*/\1/'`        
++# dpkg
++        Open=%cd %p#debd
++        View=%view{ascii} dpkg -s `echo %p | sed 's/\([0-9a-z.-]*\).*/\1/'`
++# apt
++        Open=%cd %p#deba
++        View=%view{ascii} apt-cache show `echo %p | sed 's/\([0-9a-z.-]*\).*/\1/'`        
+ # ISO9660
+ regex/\.iso$
+ 	Open=%cd %p#iso9660
+@@ -247,28 +256,28 @@
+ # C
+ shell/.c
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++ 	Open=sensible-editor %f
+ # Fortran
+ shell/.f
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++ 	Open=sensible-editor %f
+ # Header
+ regex/\.(h|hpp)$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++ 	Open=sensible-editor %f
+ # Object
+ type/^ELF
+-	#Open=%var{PAGER:more} %f
++ 	#Open=sensible-pager %f
+ 	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
+ # Asm
+ shell/.s
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++ 	Open=sensible-editor %f
+ # C++
+ regex/\.(C|cc|cpp)$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++ 	Open=sensible-editor %f
+ ### Documentation ###
+@@ -289,7 +298,7 @@
+ 	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
+ regex/(([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])|\.man)$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ %f ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ %f ;; esac | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ %f ;; esac
+ # Perl pod page
+@@ -304,25 +313,25 @@
+ 	View=
+ shell/.me
+-	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -me %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -me %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -me %f
+ # Troff with ms macros.
+ shell/.ms
+-	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -ms %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -ms %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -ms %f
+ # Manual page - compressed
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.g?[Zz]$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.bz$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.bz2$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.lzma$
+@@ -336,7 +345,7 @@
+ 	Include=image
+ type/^JPEG
+-	View=%view{ascii} identify %f; test -x /usr/bin/exif && echo && exif %f
++	Viewh%view{ascii} identify %f; test -x /usr/bin/exif && echo && exif %f
+ 	Include=image
+ type/^PC\ bitmap
+@@ -364,14 +373,15 @@
+ 	Open=(gimp-remote %f &)
+ shell/.xbm
+-	Open=bitmap %f
++  Include=image
+ shell/.xpm
+ 	Include=image
+ 	View=sxpm %f
+ include/image
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then zgv %f; else (gqview %f &); fi
++	Open=see %f &
++	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then zgv %f; else (gqview %f &); fi
+ 	View=%view{ascii} identify %f
+ 	#View=%view{ascii} asciiview %f
+@@ -379,25 +389,30 @@
+ ### Sound files ###
+ regex/\.([wW][aA][vV]|[sS][nN][dD]|[vV][oO][cC]|[aA][uU]|[sS][mM][pP]|[aA][iI][fF][fF]|[sS][nN][dD])$
+-       Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then play %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
++ 	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++ 	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then play %f; else (xmms -e %f 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ regex/\.([mM][oO][dD]|[sS]3[mM]|[xX][mM]|[iI][tT]|[mM][tT][mM]|669|[sS][tT][mM]|[uU][lL][tT]|[fF][aA][rR])$
+-       Open=mikmod %f
++ 	Open=run-mailcap  %f 2>&1 &
++        #Open=mikmod %f
+        #Open=tracker %f
+ regex/\.([wW][aA][wW]22)$
+        Open=vplay -s 22 %f
+ regex/\.([mM][pP]3)$
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then mpg123 %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+-	View=%view{ascii} mpg123 -vtn1 %f 2>&1 | sed -n '/^Title/,/^Comment/p;/^MPEG/,/^Audio/p'
++ 	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++ 	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then mpg123 %f; else (xmms %f &); fi
++ 	View=%view{ascii} mpg123 -vtn1 %f 2>&1 | sed -n '/Title:/,/Comment:/p;/^MPEG/,/^Audio/p'
+ regex/\.([oO][gG][gG])$
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then ogg123 %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
++ 	Open=run-mailcap %f  2>&1 &
++ 	#Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then ogg123 %f; else (xmms %f &); fi
+ 	View=%view{ascii} ogginfo %s
+ regex/\.([mM][iI][dD][iI]?|[rR][mM][iI][dD]?)$
+-	Open=timidity %f
++ 	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++ 	#Open=timidity %f
+ regex/\.([wW][mM][aA])$
+ 	Open=mplayer -vo null %f
+@@ -440,10 +455,12 @@
+ 	Include=video
+ regex/\.([rR][aA]?[mM])$
+-	Open=(realplay %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=run-mailcap  %f 2>&1
++	#Open=(realplay %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ include/video
+-	Open=(mplayer %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=see %f &
++	#Open=(mplayer %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	#Open=(gtv %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	#Open=(xanim %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+@@ -452,12 +469,14 @@
+ # Postscript
+ type/^PostScript
+-	Open=(gv %f &)
++	Open=run-mailcap  %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(gv %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} ps2ascii %f
+ # PDF
+ type/^PDF
+-	Open=(xpdf %f &)
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(xpdf %f &)
+ 	#Open=(acroread %f &)
+ 	#Open=(ghostview %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} pdftotext %f -
+@@ -467,7 +486,8 @@
+ # html
+ regex/\.([hH][tT][mM][lL]?)$
+-	Open=(if test -n "@X11_WWW@" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (@X11_WWW@ file://%d/%p &) 1>&2; else links %f || lynx -force_html %f || ${PAGER:-more} %f; fi) 2>/dev/null
++  Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &  
++	#Open=(if test -n "@X11_WWW@" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (@X11_WWW@ file://%d/%p &) 1>&2; else links %f || lynx -force_html %f || ${PAGER:-more} %f; fi) 2>/dev/null
+ 	View=%view{ascii} links -dump %f 2>/dev/null || w3m -dump %f 2>/dev/null || lynx -dump -force_html %f
+ # StarOffice 5.2
+@@ -485,22 +505,27 @@
+ # Microsoft Word Document
+ regex/\.([Dd][oO][cCtT]|[Ww][rR][iI])$
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} antiword -t %f || catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f
+ type/^Microsoft\ Word
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++ 	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} antiword -t %f || catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f
+ # RTF document
+ regex/\.([rR][tT][fF])$
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ # Microsoft Excel Worksheet
+ regex/\.([xX][lL][sSwW])$
+-	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f
+ type/^Microsoft\ Excel
+-	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f
+ # Use OpenOffice.org to open any MS Office documents
+@@ -513,12 +538,14 @@
+ # DVI
+ regex/\.([dD][vV][iI])$
+-	Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x ]; then dvisvga %f; else (xdvi %f &); fi
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	#Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x ]; then dvisvga %f; else (xdvi %f &); fi
+ 	View=%view{ascii} dvi2tty %f
+ # TeX
+ regex/\.([Tt][Ee][Xx])$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
++	Open=sensible-editor %f
++	#Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ ### Miscellaneous ###
+@@ -544,6 +571,33 @@
+ regex/\.(rexx?|cmd)$
+        Open=rexx %f %{Enter parameters};echo "Press ENTER";read y
++### Debian additions ###
++# view gzipped HTML
++        Open=zcat %f|run-mailcap - &
++        View=zcat %f|%view{ascii} w3m -dump -T text/html 2>&1 ||zcat %f|%view{ascii} links -dump 2>&1 ||zcat %f|lynx -dump -force_html 2>&1
++# view bzipped HTML
++        Open=bzcat %f|run-mailcap - &
++        View=bzcat %f|%view{ascii} w3m -dump -T text/html 2>&1||zcat %f|%view{ascii} links -dump 2>&1||zcat %f|lynx -dump -force_html 2>&1
++# view gzipped (E)PS
++        Open=gv %f 2>&1 &
++        Icon=postscript.xpm
++        View with GhostView=gv %f 2>&1 &
++# compressed PDF
++        Open=zxpdf %f 2>&1 &
++        View=zxpdf %f 2>&1 &
++# compressed postscript
++        Open=gv %f 2>&1 &
++        View=gv %f 2>&1 &
+ ### Debian additions ###
+@@ -591,7 +645,7 @@
+ # gzip
+ type/^gzip
+-	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=gzip -dc %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ regex/\.(gz|Z)?$
+@@ -599,7 +653,7 @@
+ # bzip2
+ type/^bzip2
+-	Open=bzip2 -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++ 	Open=bzip2 -dc %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ regex/\.bz2?$
+@@ -607,12 +661,12 @@
+ # bzip
+ type/^bzip
+-	Open=bzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++ 	Open=bzip -dc %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ # compress
+ type/^compress
+-	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
++	Open=gzip -dc %f | sensible-pager
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ # lzma

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