[Pkg-mc-commits] r133 - in trunk/debian: . patches patches/bugs patches/syntax
winnie at alioth.debian.org
winnie at alioth.debian.org
Sat May 17 18:16:27 UTC 2008
Author: winnie
Date: 2008-05-17 18:16:27 +0000 (Sat, 17 May 2008)
New Revision: 133
Add some more fixes for bugs in the BTS
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2008-05-17 17:35:18 UTC (rev 132)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -4,8 +4,18 @@
some new patches included into mc and to ease up patch writing.
* Reordered patches and use now quilt for applying them.
+ Add several new patches from mandriva
+ * Removed samba support, since it was based on a statically linked lib,
+ which is shipped within the sourcecode. This lib was over 10 years untouched.
+ (Closes: #451964, #432324)
+ + By the way... a patch for the samba issue would be nice!!
+ * Switched to the utf8-patches used in Fedora (Closes: #359016)
+ * Added asm.syntax. Thanks to Michelle (Closes: #479550)
+ * Added vhdl.syntax. Thanks to Adam Pribyl. (Closes: #481539)
+ * Added named.syntax to the Makefile (Closes: #477835)
+ * Added patch by Michal Pokrywka in order to fix regex replace behaviour in
+ mcedit (Closes: #474484)
- -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org> Thu, 06 Mar 2008 17:30:26 +0100
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org> Sat, 17 May 2008 20:06:34 +0200
mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
Modified: trunk/debian/patches/all.series
--- trunk/debian/patches/all.series 2008-05-17 17:35:18 UTC (rev 132)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/all.series 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@
Added: trunk/debian/patches/bugs/99_regexp-replace-fixed.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/bugs/99_regexp-replace-fixed.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/bugs/99_regexp-replace-fixed.patch 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+--- mc-4.6.2~pre1/edit/editcmd.c.orig 2008-04-06 02:25:23.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.6.2~pre1/edit/editcmd.c 2008-04-06 02:40:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2074,6 +2074,24 @@
+ edit_error_dialog (_("Error"), _(" Invalid regular expression, or scanf expression with too many conversions "));
+ }
++int mc_isdigit(mc_wchar_t c)
++#ifndef UTF8
++ return isdigit(c);
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ return iswdigit(c);
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++mc_wchar_t * mc_memmove(mc_wchar_t *to, mc_wchar_t *from, size_t size)
++#ifndef UTF8
++ return memmove(to, from, size);
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ return wmemmove(to, from, size);
++#endif /* UTF8 */
+ /* call with edit = 0 before shutdown to close memory leaks */
+ void
+ edit_replace_cmd (WEdit *edit, int again)
+@@ -2090,6 +2108,8 @@
+ int replace_continue;
+ int treplace_prompt = 0;
+ long times_replaced = 0, last_search;
++ mc_wchar_t *repl_templ;
++ mc_wchar_t *repl_str;
+ int argord[NUM_REPL_ARGS];
+ if (!edit) {
+@@ -2143,7 +2163,96 @@
+ }
+- {
++#ifndef UTF8
++ repl_templ = g_strdup(input2);
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ repl_templ = mbstr_to_wchar(input2);
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++ if (replace_regexp) {
++ /*
++ * edit replace template - convert subpattern references (\1) to
++ * snprintf_p arguments (%s) and fill "argord" array to match captured
++ * subpatterns
++ */
++ int ao;
++ int ord;
++ mc_wchar_t *s;
++ mc_wchar_t *param;
++ mc_wchar_t *endptr;
++#ifndef UTF8
++#define char_0 '0'
++#define char_backslash '\\'
++#define char_percent '%'
++#define char_s 's'
++#define char_n 'n'
++#define char_r 'r'
++#define char_t 't'
++#define char_lf '\n'
++#define char_cr '\r'
++#define char_tab '\t'
++#else /* UTF8 */
++#define char_0 L'0'
++#define char_backslash L'\\'
++#define char_percent L'%'
++#define char_s L's'
++#define char_n L'n'
++#define char_r L'r'
++#define char_t L't'
++#define char_lf L'\n'
++#define char_cr L'\r'
++#define char_tab L'\t'
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++#ifndef UTF8
++ endptr = strchr(repl_templ, '\0');
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ endptr = wcschr(repl_templ, L'\0');
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++ s = repl_templ;
++ ao = 0;
++ while ((
++#ifndef UTF8
++ s = strchr(s, char_backslash)
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ s = wcschr(s, char_backslash)
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++ )) {
++ param = s;
++ s++;
++ if (!s) break;
++ /* implement \n \r and \t escape sequences in replace string */
++ if (*s == char_n) {
++ *s = char_lf;
++ } else if (*s == char_r) {
++ *s = char_lf;
++ } else if (*s == char_t) {
++ *s = char_tab;
++ }
++ if (!mc_isdigit(*s)) {
++ mc_memmove(param, s, endptr - s + 1);
++ continue;
++ }
++ ord = 0;
++ while (mc_isdigit(*s)) {
++ ord *= 10;
++ ord += *s - char_0;
++ s++;
++ }
++ if ((ord > 0) && (ord <= NUM_REPL_ARGS)) {
++ argord[ao++] = ord - 1;
++ *param++ = char_percent;
++ *param++ = char_s;
++ mc_memmove(param, s, endptr - s + 1);
++ s = param;
++ }
++ }
++ while (ao < NUM_REPL_ARGS) {
++ argord[ao] = ao;
++ ao++;
++ }
++ } else {
+ const char *s;
+ int ord;
+ size_t i;
+@@ -2174,6 +2283,12 @@
+ && !replace_backwards)
+ edit->search_start++;
++ if (replace_scanf || replace_regexp) {
++ repl_str = g_malloc(((MAX_REPL_LEN + 2)+1) * sizeof(mc_wchar_t));
++ } else {
++ repl_str = repl_templ;
++ }
+ do {
+ int len = 0;
+ long new_start;
+@@ -2198,8 +2313,55 @@
+ replace_yes = 1;
++ if (replace_scanf || replace_regexp) {
++ int ret = 0;
++ /* we need to fill in sargs just like with scanf */
++ if (replace_regexp) {
++ int k, j;
++ for (k = 1; k < NUM_REPL_ARGS && pmatch[k].rm_eo >= 0;
++ k++) {
++#ifndef UTF8
++ unsigned char *t;
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ mc_wchar_t *t;
++ if (pmatch[k].rm_eo - pmatch[k].rm_so > 255) {
++ ret = -1;
++ break;
++ }
++#ifndef UTF8
++ t = (unsigned char *) &sargs[k - 1][0];
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ t = (mc_wchar_t *) &sargs[k - 1][0];
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++ for (j = 0; j < pmatch[k].rm_eo - pmatch[k].rm_so &&
++ j < 255; j++, t++)
++ *t = edit_get_byte (edit, edit->search_start -
++ pmatch[0].rm_so + pmatch[k].rm_so + j);
++ *t = '\0';
++ }
++ for (; k <= NUM_REPL_ARGS; k++)
++ sargs[k - 1][0] = 0;
++ }
++ if (ret >= 0)
++ ret = snprintf_p (repl_str, MAX_REPL_LEN + 2, repl_templ,
++ if (ret < 0) {
++ edit_error_dialog (_(" Replace "),
++ ret == -2
++ ? _(" Error in replacement format string. ")
++ : _(" Replacement too long. "));
++ treplace_prompt = 0;
++ replace_yes = 0;
++ replace_continue = 0;
++ }
++ }
+ if (treplace_prompt) {
+ int l;
++ char *displ_repl_str;
+ l = edit->curs_row - edit->num_widget_lines / 3;
+ if (l > 0)
+ edit_scroll_downward (edit, l);
+@@ -2213,7 +2375,13 @@
+ /*so that undo stops at each query */
+ edit_push_key_press (edit);
+- switch (edit_replace_prompt (edit, input2, /* and prompt 2/3 down */
++#ifndef UTF8
++ displ_repl_str = g_strdup(repl_str);
++#else /* UTF8 */
++ displ_repl_str = wchar_to_mbstr(repl_str);
++#endif /* UTF8 */
++ convert_to_display (displ_repl_str);
++ switch (edit_replace_prompt (edit, displ_repl_str, /* and prompt 2/3 down */
+ (edit->num_widget_columns -
+ edit->num_widget_lines * 2 /
+@@ -2235,99 +2403,15 @@
+ replace_continue = 0;
+ break;
+ }
++ g_free(displ_repl_str);
+ }
+ if (replace_yes) { /* delete then insert new */
+-#ifdef UTF8
+- mc_wchar_t *winput2 = mbstr_to_wchar(input2);
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+- if (replace_scanf) {
+- mc_wchar_t repl_str[MAX_REPL_LEN + 2];
+- int ret = 0;
+- /* we need to fill in sargs just like with scanf */
+- if (replace_regexp) {
+- int k, j;
+- for (k = 1;
+- k < NUM_REPL_ARGS && pmatch[k].rm_eo >= 0;
+- k++) {
+-#ifndef UTF8
+- unsigned char *t;
+-#else /* UTF8 */
+- mc_wchar_t *t;
+- if (pmatch[k].rm_eo - pmatch[k].rm_so > 255) {
+- ret = -1;
+- break;
+- }
+-#ifndef UTF8
+- t = (unsigned char *) &sargs[k - 1][0];
+-#else /* UTF8 */
+- t = (mc_wchar_t *) &sargs[k - 1][0];
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+- for (j = 0;
+- j < pmatch[k].rm_eo - pmatch[k].rm_so
+- && j < 255; j++, t++)
+- *t = edit_get_byte (edit,
+- edit->
+- search_start
+- -
+- pmatch
+- [0].
+- rm_so +
+- pmatch
+- [k].
+- rm_so +
+- j);
+- *t = '\0';
+- }
+- for (; k <= NUM_REPL_ARGS; k++)
+- sargs[k - 1][0] = 0;
+- }
+- if (!ret)
+- ret =
+-#ifndef UTF8
+- snprintf_p (repl_str, MAX_REPL_LEN + 2, input2,
+-#else /* UTF8 */
+- snprintf_p (repl_str, MAX_REPL_LEN + 2, winput2,
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+- if (ret >= 0) {
+- times_replaced++;
+- while (i--)
+- edit_delete (edit);
+-#ifndef UTF8
+- while (repl_str[++i])
+- edit_insert (edit, repl_str[i]);
+-#else /* UTF8 */
+- while (winput2[++i])
+- edit_insert (edit, winput2[i]);
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+- } else {
+- edit_error_dialog (_(" Replace "),
+- ret ==
+- -2 ?
+- _
+- (" Error in replacement format string. ")
+- : _(" Replacement too long. "));
+- replace_continue = 0;
+- }
+- } else {
+- times_replaced++;
+- while (i--)
+- edit_delete (edit);
+-#ifndef UTF8
+- while (input2[++i])
+- edit_insert (edit, input2[i]);
+-#else /* UTF8 */
+- while (winput2[++i])
+- edit_insert (edit, winput2[i]);
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+- }
++ times_replaced++;
++ while (i--)
++ edit_delete (edit);
++ while (repl_str[++i])
++ edit_insert (edit, repl_str[i]);
+ edit->found_len = i;
+-#ifdef UTF8
+- g_free (winput2);
+-#endif /* UTF8 */
+ }
+ /* so that we don't find the same string again */
+ if (replace_backwards) {
+@@ -2356,6 +2440,12 @@
+ }
+ } while (replace_continue);
++ /* cleanup */
++ if (replace_scanf || replace_regexp) {
++ g_free(repl_str);
++ }
++ g_free(repl_templ);
+ edit->force = REDRAW_COMPLETELY;
+ edit_scroll_screen_over_cursor (edit);
+ cleanup:
Modified: trunk/debian/patches/syntax/07_named_syntax.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/syntax/07_named_syntax.patch 2008-05-17 17:35:18 UTC (rev 132)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/syntax/07_named_syntax.patch 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -195,3 +195,15 @@
+context " " green
+ spellcheck
+diff --git a/syntax/Makefile.am b/syntax/Makefile.am
+index f2b3f39..e88dec7 100644
+--- a/syntax/Makefile.am
++++ b/syntax/Makefile.am
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ SYNTAXFILES = \
+ mail.syntax \
+ makefile.syntax \
+ ml.syntax \
++ named.syntax \
+ nroff.syntax \
+ octave.syntax \
+ pascal.syntax \
Added: trunk/debian/patches/syntax/11_mail-syntax.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/syntax/11_mail-syntax.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/syntax/11_mail-syntax.patch 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+diff --git a/syntax/Syntax b/syntax/Syntax
+index efdd50e..4f7dfed 100644
+--- a/syntax/Syntax
++++ b/syntax/Syntax
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ include lua.syntax
+ file ..\*\\.([iI][dD][lL])$ CORBA\sIDL
+ include idl.syntax
+-file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^From\s
++file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^(From|Return-(P|p)ath:|From:|Date:)\s
+ include mail.syntax
+ file .\* unknown
+diff --git a/syntax/mail.syntax b/syntax/mail.syntax
+index dee51ee..3ca43db 100644
+--- a/syntax/mail.syntax
++++ b/syntax/mail.syntax
+@@ -4,32 +4,71 @@ context default
+ spellcheck
+ context linestart From\s \n\n cyan black
++ keyword linestart From: brightgreen
+ keyword linestart From\s brightred
+- keyword linestart Received: brightcyan
+- keyword linestart Date: green
++ keyword <*@*> white
++ keyword whole + at + white
++ keyword linestart To: brightmagenta
++ keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange
++ keyword linestart +: brown
++context linestart Return-path:\s \n\n cyan black
+ keyword linestart From: brightgreen
++ keyword linestart From\s brightred
++ keyword <*@*> white
++ keyword whole + at + white
+ keyword linestart To: brightmagenta
+- keyword linestart Cc: magenta
+- keyword linestart Subject: brightred
+- keyword linestart Message-ID: red
+- keyword linestart In-Reply-To: yellow
+- keyword linestart References: yellow
+- keyword linestart MIME-Version: brightblue
+- keyword linestart Mime-Version: brightblue
+- keyword linestart Content-Type: brightblue
+- keyword linestart Content-Disposition: brightblue
+- keyword linestart Content-Transfer-Encoding: brightblue
++ keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange
+ keyword linestart +: brown
++context linestart Return-Path:\s \n\n cyan black
++ keyword linestart From: brightgreen
++ keyword linestart From\s brightred
+ keyword <*@*> white
+ keyword whole + at + white
++ keyword linestart To: brightmagenta
++ keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange
++ keyword linestart +: brown
+-context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightcyan
++context linestart From:\s \n\n cyan black
++ keyword linestart From: brightgreen
++ keyword linestart From\s brightred
++ keyword <*@*> white
++ keyword whole + at + white
++ keyword linestart To: brightmagenta
++ keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange
++ keyword linestart +: brown
++context linestart Date:\s \n\n cyan black
++ keyword linestart From: brightgreen
++ keyword linestart From\s brightred
++ keyword <*@*> white
++ keyword whole + at + white
++ keyword linestart To: brightmagenta
++ keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange
++ keyword linestart +: brown
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
+ context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
+-context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightcyan
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
+ context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
+-context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightcyan
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
+ context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
+-context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightcyan
++context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightred
+ context linestart >\[\s\]>\[\s\]> \n brightgreen
+-context linestart >\[\s\]> \n brightcyan
++context linestart >\[\s\]> \n brightred
+ context linestart > \n brightgreen
Added: trunk/debian/patches/syntax/12_asm-syntax.patch
--- trunk/debian/patches/syntax/12_asm-syntax.patch (rev 0)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/syntax/12_asm-syntax.patch 2008-05-17 18:16:27 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+diff --git a/syntax/Makefile.am b/syntax/Makefile.am
+index d99dc3a..f2b3f39 100644
+--- a/syntax/Makefile.am
++++ b/syntax/Makefile.am
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ Syntax \
+ ada95.syntax \
++ asm.syntax \
+ aspx.syntax \
+ assembler.syntax \
+ c.syntax \
+diff --git a/syntax/Syntax b/syntax/Syntax
+index 4f7dfed..2971b79 100644
+--- a/syntax/Syntax
++++ b/syntax/Syntax
+@@ -148,5 +148,8 @@ include idl.syntax
+ file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^(From|Return-(P|p)ath:|From:|Date:)\s
+ include mail.syntax
++file ..\*\\.(S|asm)$ Assembler\sSource
++include asm.syntax
+ file .\* unknown
+ include unknown.syntax
+diff --git a/syntax/asm-syntax b/syntax/asm-syntax
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2d729de
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/syntax/asm-syntax
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++# ASM definition created by Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle at freenet.de>
++# This definition is under the GNU GPL version 3.0.
++context default
++ keyword /\* brown/22
++ keyword \*/ brown/22
++ keyword @*\n green/22
++ keyword linestart +: brightmagenta/22
++context exclusive /\* \*/ brown/22
++ spellcheck
++context linestart # \n brightred/22
++ keyword <+> red/22
++context linestart ENTRY(*) \n brightgreen/22
++file ..\*\\.(S|asm)$ Assembler\sSource
++include asm.syntax
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