[Pkg-mc-commits] r325 - in branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1: . debian debian/extra debian/patches debian/patches/bugs debian/patches/debian debian/source

Denis Briand narcan-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Dec 25 23:19:15 UTC 2009

Author: narcan-guest
Date: 2009-12-25 23:19:15 +0000 (Fri, 25 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 325

better without build files :)

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.Debian
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.Debian	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.Debian	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+mc for Debian
+ -  In order to get rid of the commandline history to be full with cd commands
+    from the both boxes set this environment variable:
+     export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
+    This is a issue of bash, not of mc. This would fix it.
+ -  In newer mc versions ( >=4.6.2~pre1-1 ) the behaviour of M-o changed.
+    The old behaviour can now be found on the M-i key.
+ -  To prevent the disappearing cursor over tabs using the visible_tabs feature
+    in gnome-terminal set this environment variable:
+	export TERM="gnome-256color"
+    Using this var the problem is fixed and the cursor doesn't vanish over tabs.
+ -  mc supports now user-defined colors. For a short documentation have a look
+    here: http://www.midnight-commander.org/wiki/doc/common/skins
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org> Tue, 05 Mar 2008 11:08:27 +0100

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.source
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.source	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/README.source	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+This package uses quilt to manage all modifications to the upstream
+source.  Changes are stored in the source package as diffs in
+debian/patches and applied during the build.
+To configure quilt to use debian/patches instead of patches, you want
+either to export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches in your environment
+or use this snippet in your ~/.quiltrc:
+    for where in ./ ../ ../../ ../../../ ../../../../ ../../../../../; do
+        if [ -e ${where}debian/rules -a -d ${where}debian/patches ]; then
+                export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches
+        fi
+    done
+To get the fully patched source after unpacking the source package, cd to
+the root level of the source package and run:
+    quilt push -a
+The last patch listed in debian/patches/series will become the current
+To add a new set of changes, first run quilt push -a, and then run:
+    quilt new <patch>
+where <patch> is a descriptive name for the patch, used as the filename in
+debian/patches.  Then, for every file that will be modified by this patch,
+    quilt add <file>
+before editing those files.  You must tell quilt with quilt add what files
+will be part of the patch before making changes or quilt will not work
+properly.  After editing the files, run:
+    quilt refresh
+to save the results as a patch.
+Alternately, if you already have an external patch and you just want to
+add it to the build system, run quilt push -a and then:
+    quilt import -P <patch> /path/to/patch
+    quilt push -a
+(add -p 0 to quilt import if needed). <patch> as above is the filename to
+use in debian/patches.  The last quilt push -a will apply the patch to
+make sure it works properly.
+To remove an existing patch from the list of patches that will be applied,
+    quilt delete <patch>
+You may need to run quilt pop -a to unapply patches first before running
+this command.

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/changelog
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/changelog	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+mc (3:4.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Patrick Winnertz ]
+  * Fix misleading description of mc and mc-dbg:
+        SMB protocol is not further possible with mc, due to security
+        issues. (Closes: #541267)
+  * Added patch to fix codejump if there is a number in the function name
+  * Added patch to fix the broken german date in the mc panels
+    (Closes: #541104)
+  * Added patch to enable .gem archives. (Closes: #541673)
+  * Added several bugfixes for crashes or malbehaviour which are fixed in
+    upstreams git for 4.7.0-pre2.
+  * Added note about user-defined colors in README.Debian (Closes: #392262)
+  [ Denis Briand ]
+  * New upstream version.
+    + (Closes: #544996)
+    + (Closes: #390301)
+    + (Closes: #562371)
+  * Switch to the new source package formats "3.0 (quilt)".
+  * Hack Debian watch file to fix issue with the new upstream repository.
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3.
+  * Add debian/README.source file.
+  * mime-support is now a Recommended package.
+  * Use mailcap entry to choose pdf viewer (Closes: #544054).
+  * Use mailcap entry to choose images viewer (Closes: #544058).
+  * Change doc-base Document field into lower-case name.
+  * Change doc-base Section field into `File Management'.
+  * Escape few minus sign again into manpages.
+  * Add ico files support (Closes: #546737).
+  * Suggest gv package to read ps files into X.
+  * Use catdvi instead of dvi2tty (Closes: #543202).
+  * Suggest catdvi to preview dvi files on text-only devices.
+  * Add djvu files support and suggest djvulibre-bin package (Closes: #543651).
+  * Allow Debian Maintainers Uploads.
+  * Use sensible-editor to edit files (Closes: #549202).
+  * Downgrade imagemagick dependency to Suggests (Closes: #550234).
+  * Use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to chose the number of building processes
+    (Closes: #549658).
+  * Add Yury V. Zaytsev into Uploaders field.
+  * Add python, python-boto and python-tz into Suggests field,
+    for vfs Amazon Web Services S3.
+  [ Yury V. Zaytsev ]
+  * Remove FTP chattr patch (upstream ticket #1708).
+  * Remove symlink patch (upstream ticket #1828).
+  * Remove upstreamed documentation patches (upstream ticket #1691).
+ -- Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>  Fri, 25 Dec 2009 22:52:13 +0100
+mc (2:4.7.0-pre1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Patrick Winnertz ]
+  * Fix layout issue in the info page (Closes: #539958)
+  * Fix escape of ~ in ~/Desk or something similar (Closes: #520026)
+  * Mention in README.Debian that a different TERM on gnome-terminal
+    prevents the cursor from vanishing in mcedit over tabs.
+  * Add patch to make wildcards in copy/remove/move dialog work again
+    (Closes: #540110)
+  * shift-F3 doesn't unmark the selection after copying anymore
+    (Closes: #302513)
+  * Every fish operation is now placed within a if, so if there are errors
+    because of permissions or something else, this is now reported
+    (Closes: #496974)
+  [ Denis Briand ]
+  * Fix wrong path to wrapper scripts (Closes: #540238).
+  * Fix lintian warning `debian-changelog-line-too-long'
+    in 2:4.7.0-pre1-2 changelog.
+  * Remove trailing whitespaces in several debian/ files.
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Sun, 09 Aug 2009 11:55:31 +0200
+mc (2:4.7.0-pre1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Denis Briand ]
+  * Fix mistake about Syntax file in debian/mc.install (Closes: #539917).
+  [ Patrick Winnertz ]
+  * Install cons.saver only on linux not on kfreeBSD (Closes: #539913)
+  * Added small patch to use awk instead of mawk in the extfs shell scripts
+    (Closes: #499723)
+  * Added patch for fixing hotlist entries (Closes: #539967)
+  * Fixed several upstream known problems
+    - bugs/1392_regression_in_tar_support.patch
+    - bugs/1453_fix_crash_on_f14.patch
+    - bugs/1404_ctrl-c_kills_mc.patch
+    - bugs71456_fix_mcedit_regex_replace_segfault.patch
+    - bugs/1415_hotlist_buffer_cleanup.patch
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Wed, 05 Aug 2009 16:47:20 +0200
+mc (2:4.7.0-pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Patrick Winnertz ]
+  * Change Section for -dbg package to debug
+  * Change version number to reflect the correct status of the snapshot.
+  * Add extra configure options.
+  [ Denis Briand ]
+  * New upstream version:
+    + fix issue on directories with white spaces (Closes: #529881)
+    + fix malformed Command prompt (Closes: #528797)
+    + new awk.syntax file (Closes: #504078)
+      thanks to Andrew O. Shadoura for his patch.
+    + fix ~/.mc directory issue (Closes: #527104)
+    + display hostname in xterm title (Closes: #504105)
+  * Add co-maintainer : Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>
+  * Package use cdbs now.
+  * Bump standards version to 3.8.2
+  * Bump debian/compat to 7
+  * Rename debian/patches/all.series into debian/patches/series
+    + to be lintian clean
+  * Change copyright link to an existent file in debian/copyright
+  * Add ${misc:Depends} in debian/control
+  * Change deprecated dh_clean -k into dh_prep in debian/rules
+  * Fix FTBFS issue: unrepresentable changes to source (Closes: #528983)
+  * Fix bashism in vfs/extfs/u7z script (Closes: #530137)
+  * Fix non escaped characters on man files.
+  * Fix non FHS path on man files.
+  * Fix fails to display zipfile contents after unzip update (Closes: #528239)
+    Thanks to Johannes Stezenbach for his patch.
+  * remove merged upstream patches:
+    + bugs/64_visible-tabs
+    + syntax/02_improving-nroff
+    + syntax/09_spec-syntax
+    + syntax/10_vhdl-syntax
+    + syntax/13_procmail-syntax
+    + vfs/05_add_lzma_support
+    + vfs/06_remove_obsolete_rpm_tags
+    + vfs/07_srpm_support
+    + vfs/08_improved_u7z_support
+  * remove unused/deprecated/unenforcable patches:
+    + bugs/99b_fix-regex-pattern-lengths
+    + bugs/99_regexp-replace-fixed
+    + debian/03_use_awk_first
+    + mc.ext/01_tar_forgot_arg
+    + mc.ext/02_use_arj
+    + mc.ext/03_debian_packages
+    + mc.ext/04_view_ascii
+    + mc.ext/05_gimp_remote
+    + mc.ext/06_use_several_text_browsers
+    + mc.ext/07_add_antiword
+    + mc.ext/08_several_additions_debian
+    + mc.ext/09_several_additions_mandriva
+    + mc.ext/10_run_mailcap
+    + po/10_it.po
+    + syntax/08_c-vs-cxx
+    + syntax/12_asm-syntax
+    + vfs/03_dont_hang_on_errors
+    + vfs/04_fix_whitespace_via_fish
+    + vfs/05_error_on_copymove_over_fish
+  * Add imagemagick in Recommends for mc binary package,
+    thanks to Olaf van der Spek (Closes: #534681).
+  * Add Vcs fields in debian/control
+  * Improve build time on i386 and amd64 multi CPU.
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Tue, 30 Jun 2009 23:54:42 +0200
+mc (2:4.6.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Build also the .gmo language files. (Closes: #519674)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Mar 2009 10:51:44 +0100
+mc (2:4.6.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+    + fix issues with fish if on the remote site the ls command doesn't understand -Q
+      (Closes: #488497, #512715)
+    + fix issues with links over fish (Closes: #411970)
+    + mc is revived again :) Furthermore it got a new homepage. (Closes: #513174)
+  * Dropped many patches as they are finally merged upstream:
+    + bugs/100_bashism.patch
+    + 28_mc-dontrewrite.patch
+    + 61_escaping.patch
+    + 99a_fix-regex-bol-match.patch & 99c_fix-regex-newline-match.patch
+    + all german po patches
+    + 01_debian_syntax.patch
+    + 08_c-vs-cxx.patch & 03_cxx.syntax.patch
+    + 04_sh_syntax.patch
+    + 03_fix_whitespace_via_fish.patch
+    + 04_fix_whitespace_via_fish.patch
+  * Took mc-4.6.2-utf8.patch from upstream which is based on the former debian
+    patchset for utf8
+  * Removed autogen.sh run patch as this is not needed anymore
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Mon, 02 Feb 2009 16:50:32 +0100
+mc (2:4.6.2~git20080311-4) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Corrected fix for odt2txt issue (Closes: #492019)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:38:59 +0200
+mc (2:4.6.2~git20080311-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Correct translation of Free space. Thanks to Sven Joachim.
+    (Closes: #471543)
+  * Build depends on libgpm-dev (Closes: #487863)
+  * Bump standards version to 3.8.0, no further changes needed.
+  * ReAdd regexp-replace-fixed.patch, dropped by a communication error,
+    between me and the submitter. (Closes: 487611)
+  * Highlight also .inc files as php if they are written in php.
+    (Closes: 487936)
+  * Enabled whitespace feature again. (Closes: #488465)
+  * Use odt2txt to show openoffice documents. (Closes: #492019)
+  * Fix typo in mc.ext (Closes: #489751)
+  * Fix bashisms, in some extfs files. (Closes: #489631)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Jul 2008 22:40:58 +0200
+mc (2:4.6.2~git20080311-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add debug package. Thanks to Baurzhan Ismagulov. (Closes: #472339)
+  * Add 60_recode patch again. (Closes: #483112)
+  * Add tty.patch to fix displaying problems. Thanks to Andrew O. Shadoura
+    (Closes: #359016)
+  * add patch with the result of the autogen.sh run.
+    (Closes: #481539, #482761, #484759, #486569)
+  * Added mail syntax. Thanks to Michelle Konzack. (Closes: #481651)
+  * Add procmail syntax. Thanks to Michelle Konzack (Closes: #485475)
+  * Add again run-mailcap calls in mc.ext. This gone lost during the
+    reordering the patches in order to use quilt. (Closes: #485935)
+  * Fix tar call in mc.ext (Closes: #381353)
+  * Suggest dbview. Thanks to Daniel Hahler. (Closes: #486915)
+  * Do not use internal editor per default. (Closes: #413258)
+  * Fix regex patch supplied by Michal Pokrywka (Closes: #487611, #486676)
+  * For those who read this changelog: There are very many unresolved bugs
+    left in the BTS, it would be cool if someone who has some C coding
+    experience would have a look on some and write patches. Thanks in advance.
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Mon, 23 Jun 2008 22:12:28 +0200
+mc (2:4.6.2~git20080311-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Have to bump from 1: to 2: ... ~git is lower than ~pre
+  * New git snapshot from (http://repo.or.cz/w/mc.git) in order to have
+    some new patches included into mc and to ease up patch writing.
+  * Reordered patches and use now quilt for applying them.
+    + Add several new patches from mandriva
+  * Removed samba support, since it was based on a statically linked lib,
+    which is shipped within the sourcecode. This lib was over 10 years untouched.
+    (Closes: #451964, #432324)
+    + By the way... a patch for the samba issue would be nice!!
+  * Switched to the utf8-patches used in mandriva (Closes: #359016)
+  * Added asm.syntax. Thanks to Michelle (Closes:  #479550)
+  * Added vhdl.syntax. Thanks to Adam Pribyl. (Closes: #481539)
+  * Added named.syntax to the Makefile (Closes: #477835)
+  * Added patch by Michal Pokrywka in order to fix regex replace behaviour in
+    mcedit (Closes: #474484)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Sun, 18 May 2008 22:18:33 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Work in progress on 61_escaping.patch
+    + added ?[]{}, to the list which should be escaped
+    Thanks to the hint of Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
+  * Fixed a memory allocation problem in 61_escaping.patch (Closes: #469574)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:19:45 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Same reason as last upload for urgency=medium. The last version doesn't
+    made it into testing.
+  * Fix abort of mc while copying files. (Closes: #425192)
+    + modified 61_escaping.patch
+  * Fix coredump on weired filenames (Closes: #469075)
+    + modified 61_escaping.patch
+  * Fix error of run-mailcap because of wrong syntax. (Closes: #468894)
+    + modified 01_mc.ext.in.mime.patch
+  * Clean up README.Debian and remove old and nowadays obviously parts.
+    + Add comment about changed behaviour of M-o.
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:09:12 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Urgency=medium since this upload contain several important things.
+  * Revert new utf8 patch since it doesn't work with all locales atm.
+  * revert patch to make scp work again.
+  * show again hostname in xterm title.
+    + added as 32_show_hostname.patch (and removed from proposed-patches)
+  * Added patch for (un-)escaping foldernames (Closes: #326047, #458403, #76498)
+  * Don't chmod if preserve Attributes is unchecked (Closes: #466370)
+  * Fix error with files containing a whitespace via ssh. (Closes: #461532)
+  * Fix hang when copying a file over fish without having permissions for
+    reading for this particular file. (Closes: #447239)
+  * Added patch to make visible_tabs configurable (Closes: #466476)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:47:37 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-4) experimental; urgency=low
+  * Upload to experimental in order to test new utf8 patches.
+  * Rediffed the named/strace/dsc syntax and added them to the Makefile.
+  * Create file with 0600 if preserve Attributes is unchecked.
+    (willclose: #466370)
+  * Switched to new utf8 patch which will be accepted by upstream.
+  * Create autogen-run.patch with the result of the autogen.sh run
+  * mv 2 patches into propsed-patches:
+    + 12_main.c.patch
+    + 30_recode.patch
+    They both doesn't work with these utf8-patches atm.
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Tue, 26 Feb 2008 20:17:26 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Open also files with colons with run-mailcap. (Closes: #442024)
+  * Remove run-mailcap from default target.. executables weren't executed with
+    that. (Closes: #466199)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Sun, 17 Feb 2008 10:43:22 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add a Suggests on file. (Closes: #435135)
+  * Fix uzip errror by removing ancient patch. Thanks to pabs.
+  * Added updated html syntax (Closes: #372134)
+  * Added debian-description.syntax (syntax highlighting for .dsc file)
+    (Closes: #372136)
+  * Added updated sh.syntax (Closes: #372139)
+  * Added strace.syntax (Closes: #383319)
+  * Added option to open gzipped/bziped2 html files. (Closes: #444293)
+  * Added option to open compressed pdf/ps/dvi files. (Closes: #314557)
+    + Added xpdf suggest to mc
+  * After all options fail, use mime-support in order to open something.
+    (Closes: #360676)
+    + Therefore I'll have to depend on mime-support (added as depends)
+  * Added named.syntax (syntax highlighting for bind9 configuration files)
+    (Closes: #405545)
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Sat, 16 Feb 2008 16:53:09 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.2~pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+    + (Closes: #301732)
+    + (Closes: #192882)
+    + (Closes: #248646)
+    + (Closes: #258253)
+    + (Closes: #273699)
+    + (Closes: #302516)
+    + (Closes: #305642)
+    + (Closes: #309186)
+    + (Closes: #458208)
+    + (Closes: #420437)
+    + (Closes: #346037)
+    + (Closes: #367348)
+    + (Closes: #118717)
+    + (Closes: #349390)
+    + (Closes: #304886)
+    + (Closes: #329186)
+    + (Closes: #324920)
+    + (Closes: #109963)
+    + (Closes: #227875)
+    + (Closes: #397333)
+    + (Closes: #428567)
+    + (Closes: #428993)
+    + (Closes: #301537)
+    + (Closes: #301539)
+    + (Closes: #359046)
+    + (Closes: #407593)
+    + (Closes: #198194)
+    + (Closes: #109963)
+  * New maintainer: pkg-mc-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org (Closes: #455564)
+  * New Uploader: myself
+  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.3
+    + Menu Transition: Apps/Tools --> Applications/File Management
+  * Added Homepage header to control file
+  * Rediffed all patches for 4.6.2~pre1
+  * Add patch to ignore chmod errors in ftpfs, since if you copy many files to
+    a ftp server, without SITE CHMOD support, you'll get everytime a warning.
+    (Closes: #291181)
+  * Bump debian/compat to 5 (and switch from export DH_COMPAT to this file)
+  * Removes Conflicts/Replaces in debian/control, since these packages doesn't
+    exist any longer in the debian pool.
+  * Removed some empty dirs (usr/sbin)
+  * Build de.po/it.po & ru.po new in build target
+ -- Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>  Wed, 13 Feb 2008 23:00:30 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Orphaning package: Stefano has been nearly MIA during the last 3 years.
+  * Updated the watch file. Closes: #449618
+  * Note to future DDs: do not forget to use the CVS repository available
+    on Alioth: http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-mc/
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon, 10 Dec 2007 19:50:47 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Fixed Anton Pak's recode patch which can cause a segfault.
+    Closes: #382206, #382857, #400927
+  * Mode display bug fixed. Patch added to 50_utf8-more.patch. Closes: #415097
+  * Shift-Enter bug fixed. The line editing widget went crazy when seeing a litteral newline
+    (Shift+enter or Ctrl-q+enter). Patch added to 50_utf8-more.patch
+    Downloaded from https://svn.uhulinux.hu/packages/dev/mc/patches/
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon,  2 Apr 2007 8:44:35 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * debian/rules modified to fix a FTBFS during the 2nd build. Closes: #384302
+  * added 05_symcrash.patch to fix a segfault (should be in mc's CVS). Closes: #383341
+  * mpg123 title view fixed. Closes: #391644
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Thu, 24 Aug 2006 22:19:03 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Removed the Ctrl-t accelerator from 60_recode.patch. Closes: #380417
+  * Modified 47_mc.menu.patch to use 'editor' instead of the hardcoded 'vi'
+    so that mc makes use of /etc/alternatives. Closes: #373144
+  * .tar view fixed in 01_mc.ext.in.mime.patch. Closes: #381353
+  * still 68 bugs in the BTS...
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon, 31 Jul 2006 22:25:47 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * added 52_utf8-8bits-slang2.patch. Closes: #359016, #378786
+  * added 55_mc-utf8-look-and-feel.patch : nicer look and feel
+  * added 60_recode.patch : a patch to choose the charset from mc
+  * 77 bugs should still remain after this upload... If you have some time please join
+    the Debian MC team.
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Thu, 12 Jul 2006 20:00:00 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changelog removed. Closes: #317707
+  * Lowered the alternative priority on 'view' and 'edit'. Closes: #367991
+  * Patched the UTF8 patch to allow compiling mc without UTF8. Closes: #367187
+  * html files can be opened with links, w3m or lynx. Closes: #332910
+  * added 04_off64t.patch to fix problems with tar archives
+    larger than 2GB. Already added in mc's CVS. Closes: #324755
+  * in 50_utf8-more.patch added a small patch for a problem in the status
+    line with UTF-8 locales. Closes: #360427
+  * 78 bugs should still remain after this upload...
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:55:12 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * mc with UTF-8 support upload. Closes: #354691, #309398, #126077, #242194
+  * added Ubuntu UTF-8 patches:  48_utf8-slang2.patch
+    Many thanks to Leonard den Ottolander and Sebastian Droge
+  * removed 27_menu-generation.patch because of UTF-8 problems
+  * convert help and hint files to UTF-8 in the Debian makefile
+  * 49_64bit.patch: patch to solve some 64bit problems from Gentoo
+  * use arj instead of unarj. Closes: #340089
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Mar 2006 23:41:40 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. Closes: #321805, #298345
+    getgrouplist() is not used anymore. Closes: #313401
+  * View jpegs with /usr/bin/exif. Closes: #207655
+  * Handle .ipk like .tgz. Closes: #323927
+  * Filter for .mo files. Closes: #318077
+  * Obsolete patches: 07_mc-tar-name-length-fix.patch,
+    24_mc-complete-show-all-fix.patch, 33_mc-iconv-error.patch.
+  * 79 bugs should still remain after this upload...
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon,  5 Sep 2005 22:02:24 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre4-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Build against libslang2-dev. Closes: #315241
+  * Added 07_mc-tar-name-length-fix.patch. Closes: #315597
+  * Modified 35_mc.ext.in.patch to improve to deb vfs view. Closes: #198691
+  * Added 09_de.po.patch to fix some typos in mc's de.po. Closes: #313796, #309957
+  * Combined 35_mc.ext.in.patch, 04_dpkg_and_apt_vfs.patch, 01_mime.patch,
+    41_antiword_mc.ext.patch
+    to 01_mc.ext.in.mime.patch to fix build problems.
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Tue, 21 Jun 2005 20:01:31 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. Closes: #309630
+    20_german_translation.patch, 23_php.singlequote_fix.patch,
+    30_mc-spaceprompt1.patch, 43_AUTHORS.patch, 32_lang-with-env.patch removed
+  * Build with debian slang1-dev
+  * Do not remove /etc/mc/mc.ini. Closes: #198954
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Wed, 18 May 2005 23:15:05 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * urgency=medium because of 3 important bugs introduced by the last upload.
+  * removed 46_dotdotdir.patch to fix the tar bug. Closes: #308546
+  * replaced the iconv patch, 33_mc-iconv-error.patch, with a new
+    one provided by Roland Illig. Closes: #308296
+  * added cxx.syntax by copying the old c.syntax to it. Closes: #308794
+  * removed the useless 44_str_unconst.patch.
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Wed, 11 May 2005 22:57:44 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Urgency set to medium because of LOTS of annoying bugs fixed and
+    the segfault in mcedit.
+  * Fixed German po translation with upstream, 20_german_translation.patch.
+    Closes: #253869
+  * Added Antiword to view .doc files, 41_antiword_mc.ext.patch
+    Closes: #305649
+  * Added menu entry for Debian source packages, 47_mc.menu.diff
+    Closes: #307344
+  * Fixed Samba enabling. Closes: #264890
+  * Fixed Build-Depend on libgpm for GNU/non-Linux. Closes: #226987
+  * Added colored syntax for man pages by Michelle Konzack,
+    13_syntax.patch. Closes: #298322
+  * Improved shell syntax highlighting by Michelle Konzack: 18_sh_syntax.patch.
+    Closes: #299210
+  * Improved php syntax HL with 23_php.singlequote_fix.patch
+  * Fixed colored syntax highlighting and hostname in the title bar,
+    22_main.c.patch
+  * Fixed tar file system glitch for "tar -cvzlf file.tgz / /home/"
+    Closes: #89350
+  * Fixed problems with View and Edit when used with LANG=hu_HU. Closes: #103242
+  * Fixed unprintable control sequences in PS1 cause broken prompt
+    Closes: #83447
+  * Fixed: mcedit: subshell changes directory. Closes: #208867
+  * Fixed the #utar archive content viewer missing files. Closes: #228934
+  * Enabled charset conversion feature. Closes: #109956, #167986
+  * Added new keybinding by Vitja Makarov with 42_keybindings-0.2.2.patch
+  * Added const_cast to be replaced by str_unconst, 44_str_unconst.patch
+    by Roland Illig.
+  * Improved symlink handling in ftpfs (45_ftpfs_symlink*.patch) by P.Tsekov.
+  * Parent directory's patch by Leonard den Ottolander with 46_dotdotdir.patch
+  * Fixed user at hostname in the term emulation title bar.
+  * Added new menu generation patch by Roland Illig
+    with 27_menu-generation.patch
+  * Fixed: possible data loss when quota exedeed by Jindrich Novy.
+  * Fixed uarj bug from Savannah with 29_uarj_bug.patch (Savannah #12406).
+  * Added patch to view inside udebs by Mantas Kriauciunas, 35_mc.ext.in.patch
+    (Sannavah #3899)
+  * Added "space on prompt bugfix" by Jindrich Novy with
+    30_mc-spaceprompt1.patch. Closes: #305859
+  * Added Bad error checking after iconv() call patch by Jindrich Novy with
+    33_mc-iconv-error.patch
+  * Added syntax patches for c vs. cxx  with 32_c-vs-cxx.patch
+  * Added syntax patches for scripts starting with /usr/bin/env with
+    32_lang-with-env.patch
+  * Added a substitute for --enable-maintainer-mode with 36_developer_mode.patch
+    by Roland Illig.
+  * Fixed mc core dumps when not find "context default" section in syntax section
+    with 37_mcedit-segv.patch by Ian Zagorskih.
+  * Added the ext2 quote fixing hunks by Leonard den Ottolander.
+  * Added AUTHORS patch, 43_AUTHORS.patch, by Leonard den Ottolander.
+  * Added mcedit position remember bugfix by Christian Hamar with
+    31_mc_filepos_bugfix_461pre4a.patch
+  * Added fix for End key in viewer by Jindrich Makovicka with 40_view.c.patch
+  * Added Vietnamese translation with 26_vietnamese_po.patch
+  * Fixed 11_extfs_missing.patch because of problems with .jar files.
+    Closes: #299932.
+  * added zip, unzip, bzip2 to 'Suggests'.
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Sun,  6 Mar 2005 12:06:32 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre3-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * New maintainers: Stefano Melchior and Ludovic Drolez (closes: #282301).
+  * Urgency set to high because of security bug fixes.
+  * Missing quoting in ext2 and i18n fix.
+  * Samba lib warning (netmask.c) fixed by 12_netmask_c.patch.
+  * Security upload to handle DSA 639 (references: CAN-2004-1004,
+    CAN-2004-1005, CAN-2004-1009, CAN-2004-1090, CAN-2004-1091, CAN-2004-1092,
+    CAN-2004-1093, CAN-2004-1174, CAN-2004-1175, CAN-2004-1176),
+    Fixed upstream in the pre3 release (Closes: #295261).
+  * Pre3 release includes fix for CAN-2004-0226 (closes: #286395).
+  * Fixed ftp filesystem impossibility to list dirs when password contains #
+    (closes: #92121).
+  * Fixed subshell impossibility to be started (closes: #241891).
+  * Fixed CAN-2004-0494 (closes: #267596).
+  * Fixed buffer overflow and format string vulnerabilities (closes: #295259).
+  * Italian hotkey translation changed (closes: #231071).
+  * New upstream pre-release.
+ -- Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at debian.org>  Mon, 17 Feb 2005 22:45:32 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Polish documentation fix no longer needed.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Wed,  5 May 2004 00:08:26 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-2) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Security upload to handle DSA-497-1 (references: CAN-2004-0226,
+    CAN-2004-0231, CAN-2004-0232). Patch by Jakub Jelinek ported to
+    4.6.1-pre1 by Adam Byrtek.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Tue,  4 May 2004 09:28:26 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4.6.1-pre1-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Security upload to fix buffer overflow, 4.6.1 final will be there
+    soon (closes: #226737).
+  * --without-x configure flag removed as mc now libX11 is loaded
+    dynamically using gmodule, if possible.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:55:52 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix segfault when TERM is unset (closes: #191867).
+  * Removed conflict with gmc, which works with 4.6.0. Note that gmc
+    installation still requires some --force (closes: #192493).
+  * Files in /var/log are no longer treated as manpages
+    (closes: #179350).
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Tue, 17 Jun 2003 15:37:05 +0200
+mc (1:4.6.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Standard `awk' detected first by configure, not the specific
+    implmentation (closes: #181972).
+  * Polish translation breakage fixed (closes: #183275).
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Wed, 19 Mar 2003 22:17:16 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * `mcview' and `mcedit' added as alternatives for `editor' and `view'
+    (closes: #116518).
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Tue, 11 Feb 2003 22:05:00 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Control field 'Replaces: manpages-pl' added to replace Polish
+    manual from this package with official one (closes: #180442).
+  * 'Replaces: mc-common' added to make upgrade smoother.
+  * 'Conflicts: suidmanager' because mc used to use it, but it is now
+    deprecated (closes: #180431).
+  * Doesn't depend on libgpm when compiling on HURD.
+  * README.Debian now mentions -P syntax changes (close: #180551).
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Tue, 11 Feb 2003 13:55:47 +0100
+mc (1:4.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * First 4.6.0 official upload, and package takeover.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Wed,  5 Feb 2003 20:34:46 +0100
+mc (4.6.0-pre3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream prerelease.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:54:58 +0100
+mc (4.6.0-pre2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Patches checked, unneccesary removed, others reviewed.
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Wed, 15 Jan 2003 00:35:20 +0100
+mc (4.6.0-pre2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release (gmc, mc-common packages removed).
+  * New maintainer, some cleanups.
+  * Menu icon added (credits for the icon go to BigVax, bigvax at mail.ru).
+  * New description (taken from freshmeat.net).
+ -- Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>  Sun, 29 Dec 2002 16:18:18 +0100
+mc (4.5.55-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Make /etc/CORBA/servers/gmc.gnorba a conffile (closes: #132831).
+  * Correct spelling mistakes in descriptions (closes: #124680, #125121).
+  * Update convert-metadata.db to deal with libgnome32 linking against db3
+    rather than db2, and add a new debconf question prompting the admin to
+    run it. I've left the db1->db2 question there temporarily for historical
+    and translation interest (closes: #103102).
+  * Upgrades from slink need both libdb2-util and libdb3-util. Fortunately,
+    they can coexist. I'll leave it up to the maintainers what to do about
+    this after the woody release.
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org>  Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:09:34 +0000
+mc (4.5.55-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload, with Martin's permission.
+  * Build-depend on docbook-utils, not cygnus-stylesheets (closes: #123161).
+  * Remove bashism in debian/rules (closes: #126733).
+  * Depend on perl rather than on dummy packages (closes: #113208).
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org>  Tue, 15 Jan 2002 01:20:08 +0000
+mc (4.5.55-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * Enable mouse for Eterm TERM value
+  * mc.ext stabilized again upstream, so make it more Debian compliant
+    again, closes: #105935, #98827
+  * gmc documentation is fixed, closes: #107936
+  * Fix german locale, closes: #108302
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun,  2 Sep 2001 17:07:56 +0200
+mc (4.5.54-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Use new config.guess and config.sub to allow compilation on hppa
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Fri, 13 Jul 2001 23:47:18 +0200
+mc (4.5.54-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release, closes: #99127
+  * make gzip, compress, bzip, bzip2 entries in mc.ext more specific
+    closes: #97242, #103800, #102512, #97896, #96649, #104111
+    (Oskar Liljeblad)
+  * Updated syntax highlighting for debian files, closes: #93228
+    (Lenart Janos)
+  * Fix regexp for rexx files in mc.ext, closes: #98432 (Michel Casabona)
+  * Build fixes for the hurd, closes: #101542, #101543 (Marcus Brinkmann)
+  * Danish translation for the debconf template, closes: #100335
+    (Jesper R. Meyer)
+  * Dutch translation for the debconf template, closes: #95738
+    (Thomas J. Zeeman)
+  * Spanish translation for the debconf template, closes: #102903
+    (Carlos Valdivia Yague)
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun,  8 Jul 2001 12:19:24 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-16) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Update zu the uzip extfs
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun,  4 Mar 2001 20:57:25 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-15) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Update uzip extfs, closes: #86913
+  * Fix compilation, closes: #87414
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed, 28 Feb 2001 19:32:44 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-14) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Translations for the gmc debconf template, thanks to
+      fr by Thomas Morin, closes: #83765
+      sv by Andre Dahlqvist, closes: #83677
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Feb 2001 21:55:27 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-13) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Added libgnorba-dev to the build-depends. It is not pulled in by
+    libgnome-dev on the m68k autobuilder, closes: #81200
+  * Fixed dependancy on perl (lintian)
+  * Fix for devfs in cons.saver, closes: #57557
+  * Patch for proxy support in ftpfs from Mandrake
+  * [gmc] Disabled checking of owner on file rename as a dirty fix
+    closes: #80544
+  * [gmc] Don't let the use confirm twice that he wants to exit,
+    closes: #48523
+  * Updated FAQ to reflect rename of mc mailinglists
+  * Fix security bug using quick patch by Andrew V. Samoilov
+    see http://www.securityfocus.com/vdb/?id=2016
+  * Statoverride adaption
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Thu, 11 Jan 2001 20:07:02 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-12) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Added build-depends
+  * Recompiled with latest glibc, closes: #74905, #74906, #75134, #77172
+  * Added menu hints, closes: #80014, #80038
+  * Fix problems with file selection code, closes: #79639
+    Thanks to Alexander Viro
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Thu, 21 Dec 2000 14:48:35 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-11) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Security fix for cons.saver, bugtraq id 1945
+    serious local DoS possibility
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed, 15 Nov 2000 20:05:20 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-10) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix for ftpfs, closes: #61239
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 12 Nov 2000 20:37:50 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-9) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upstream patch to fix storing on root directory on a ftp server
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed,  8 Nov 2000 01:01:40 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Small fix to the .deb entry in mc.ext to make it work with new
+    and old tar
+  * New uzip extfs by Oskar Liljeblad, closes: #75353
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat,  4 Nov 2000 00:05:08 +0100
+mc (4.5.51-7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Quote pathname on C-x p and C-x P, closes: #72632
+    Thanks to Lois Lefort (sorry, missed the report somehow)
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat, 21 Oct 2000 14:50:12 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed F3 view of .deb and .rpm files like done on advanced mc,
+    changed dependancies a bit to suit this
+  * Correcting small spelling error (#21825 in the GNOME BTS)
+  * Make mouse work in rxvt, closes: #74400
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:22:45 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upstream patch to fix %e behaviour on opening files for edit in gmc
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed,  4 Oct 2000 22:27:04 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix typo in mc.ext and mc-gnome.ext, thanks to Robert Luberda
+    Closes: #71788
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat, 16 Sep 2000 09:33:57 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix to the patchfs by Loic Lefort, Closes: #71430
+  * Fix filelocations in the manpages
+  * Add the patchfs to mc.ext, so you can enter a (compressed)
+    patch with <RET>
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:16:50 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed some strange problems with the patches, Closes: #69516
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Aug 2000 01:13:21 +0200
+mc (4.5.51-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release, closes: #62261, #64975
+  * Fixed description, closes: #62260
+  * Moved locales data into mc-common, closes: #67577
+  * Move documentation to /usr/share/doc and make a symlink in
+    /usr/share/gnome/help
+  * Fix gmc doc-base description, closes: #68671
+  * Don't install a wrong manpage
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 14 Aug 2000 23:39:48 +0200
+mc (4.5.42-16) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix path in doc-base and create a missing symlink
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 26 Mar 2000 22:52:15 +0200
+mc (4.5.42-15) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix usage of debconf. Don't issue the warning on new installs
+  * Move convert.metadata.db from /usr/lib/mc to /usr/bin
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 26 Mar 2000 14:37:36 +0200
+mc (4.5.42-14) unstable; urgency=low
+  * make convert-metadata.db executable in the postinst
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 19 Mar 2000 23:43:44 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-13) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed the undelfs example in mc.sgml and mc.1.in as well
+  * Fix build from source bug, closes: #60289
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 13 Mar 2000 18:19:34 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-12) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fix problem with hex view, roll-over on first position.
+    Patch by Loic Lefort
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 13 Mar 2000 12:17:16 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-11) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * [gmc] Let the admin know that he must run convert-metadata.db
+    via debconf. Closes: #58707
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:27:56 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed documentation bug, closes: #60045
+  * Fixed terminfo searchpath in internal slang, closes: #56272
+  * [gmc] added dependancy on eject and made some comments in README.Debian,
+    closes: #59214
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sun, 12 Mar 2000 01:16:41 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-9) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * convert-metadata.db : set gid and egid before setting uid and euid. Doh!
+  * Helpfile mentioned non-existing file. Closes: #56053
+  * Fix small typo in mc.ext.in, part of #55897
+  * Upload with full sources due to the change in the packaging method
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon,  6 Mar 2000 16:06:37 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-8) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * Switched to the Multipatch System the X packages use.
+  * Patch from Andrew V. Samoilov, so the display is correct
+    when selecting more than 2GB of files, closes: #53980, #58920
+  * Added "or" and "and" keywords to perl sytnax file - patch by
+    Tomasz Wegrzanowski, closes: #58437
+  * Fix german translation, closes: #55401
+    partly closes #56117
+  * compile with --with-netrc
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed,  1 Mar 2000 01:50:05 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixes missing esac in mc.menu, thanks to Michel Casabona
+    Closes: #54108
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed, 12 Jan 2000 21:22:47 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixes a y2k bug in the apt and dpkg vfs, closes: #54037
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed,  5 Jan 2000 17:39:43 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * [gmc] Added dependancy on libdb-util* for convert-metadata.db
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Tue,  4 Jan 2000 14:20:05 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * [gmc] Revised patch for the icon handling, closes: #53814
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat,  1 Jan 2000 17:53:13 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * [gmc] Applied patch for icon misplacement, closes: #51571
+  * SEP, closes #52250
+  * Fixed lintian warnings about copyright file location
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 27 Dec 1999 18:43:18 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New version of the apt/dpkg vfs
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Dec 1999 11:18:26 +0100
+mc (4.5.42-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+  * [gmc] Remove notice how to fix broken desktop icons from postinst
+  * enable NLS
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed,  8 Dec 1999 12:22:13 +0100
+mc (4.5.40-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Small fix to the apt and dpkg vfs.
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Fri,  3 Dec 1999 18:16:41 +0100
+mc (4.5.40-7) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Really fixes all zip,jar archive problems,
+    thanks again to Oskar Liljeblad. Closes: #50528, #51779
+  * Amazing new vfs by Piotr Roszatycki <dexter at fnet.pl>, a
+    dpkg and apt frontend! See README.Debian for info.
+    Closes: #46694
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Fri,  3 Dec 1999 00:11:07 +0100
+mc (4.5.40-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Fixed problem with ~/.gnome/metadata.db
+    libc switch from DB 1.85 to DB 2, so the file has to be recreated.
+    Shipping a conversion script as /usr/lib/mc/convert-metadata.db
+    Closes: #47115, #46491
+  * Don't wait for upstream to include the new Debian logo, Closes: #46502
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:24:35 +0100
+mc (4.5.40-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Patch for mc.ext by Tomasz Wegrzanowski <maniek at beer.com>
+    to use sensible-* Closes: #50210
+  * Patch for mc.ext by Oskar Liljeblad <osk at hem.passagen.se>
+    to use run-mailcap Closes: #50732
+  * Missing closing bracket in uzip.in (thanks to Andreas Wappel),
+    fixed the other repored problems. Closes: #48003
+    (Also #50528, #50452, but has to be checked)
+  * Using a better fix for the tar problem in the deb vfs
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Thu, 25 Nov 1999 23:45:20 +0100
+mc (4.5.40-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Use mc's own slang, which has some modifications.
+    Closes: #47487
+  * mc doesn't have a mtools vfs for some time now, closes: #26821
+  * Included syntax highlighting definitions for debian/changelog,
+    debian/rules, debian/control and sources.list, closes: #47403
+    Thanks to Radovan Garabik <garabik at melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk>
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat, 31 Oct 1999 13:59:54 +0200
+mc (4.5.40-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Recompiled with slang 1.3 - Fixes the dreadful
+    "right border is not cleaned" and other display bugs.
+    Closes: #34315, #40496, #41166, #47328 and part of #47197
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Thu, 14 Oct 1999 19:03:32 +0200
+mc (4.5.40-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added conflicts to the versions before mc-common was introduced
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Sat,  2 Oct 1999 12:34:06 +0200
+mc (4.5.40-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Thu, 30 Sep 1999 00:51:33 +0200
+mc (4.5.39-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream version
+  * Uploading as a co-maintainer
+  * New package setup
+    - mc-common, mc and gmc
+    - mc and gmc don't conflict anymore
+    Closes: #43761
+  * Using debhelper, no more fhs problems, closes: #45962
+  * Applied fixes for new tar format (without leading ./)
+    Closes: #45473, #45432, #45145, #45131, #44965, #45340
+  * Suidregister only in the mc package, closes: #45014
+  * smbfs was removed before, closes: #45481, #45267, #45339
+  * Added xterm-color to the list of color capable TERMs in mc.ini
+  * Added note in README about fixing ~/.mc/ini to enable colored mc
+    Closes: #26820
+  * Added TODO and upstream changelogs to the packages
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Tue, 28 Sep 1999 03:09:32 +0200
+mc (4.5.38-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add -f to the rm's in debian/rules (Close: #45650)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Fri, 24 Sep 1999 07:58:57 +0200
+mc (4.5.38-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  *  remove mc.real to mc and remove the --with-samba option. I must
+     work with the sources.
+     Sorry, for the last problems.
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Sun, 19 Sep 1999 14:25:57 +0200
+mc (4.5.38-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add .real to mc in /usr/bin/mc
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Wed, 15 Sep 1999 13:23:44 +0200
+mc (4.5.38-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add patch from viro at math.psu.edu (Close:#29176)
+  * add --with-samba to configure
+  * move /usr/bin/mc to /usr/bin/mc.real and add the
+    script /usr/bin/mc (Close:#43168)
+  * recompiled with slang1-dev 1.2.2-3 (Close:#44359)
+  * add link from /usr/bin/mcedit to /usr/bin/mc (Close:#40943)
+  * new upstream version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue,  7 Sep 1999 22:34:18 +0200
+mc (4.5.37-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * rebuild with newer gpm. (now should use /var/run/gpmctl and not
+    /dev/gpmctl)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Wed,  4 Aug 1999 11:41:32 +0200
+mc (4.5.37-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue,  3 Aug 1999 22:29:21 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * set auto_save_setup to no in mc.ini
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Jul 1999 11:32:50 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add link from /usr/lib/mc/mc.ini to /etc/mc/
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Sat,  3 Jul 1999 09:02:00 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add 'AWK="awk"' in debian/rules
+  * remove /usr/etc/mc (change rules and Makefiles.in's) (close: 37070)
+  * remove changelog_intl.gz (close: 36683)
+  * remove README.debian (close: 36682)
+  * add 'color_terminals=linux,xterm-debian,screen' in debian/addons/mc.ini
+    (close: 26820)
+  * move /usr/lib/mc/term/ to /urs/doc/mc/ (close: 26022)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Fri,  2 Jul 1999 14:54:14 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Add 'Provides: mc' in gmc-package controlfile (close: #35005)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:52:56 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * now compiled with the installed package e2fslibs-dev (close: 40335)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue, 29 Jun 1999 00:44:50 +0200
+mc (4.5.33-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Wed,  9 Jun 1999 05:02:23 +0200
+mc (4.5.30-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Patch from Martin Bialasinski <martin at internet-treff.uni-koeln.de> close:#36246
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:19:25 +0200
+mc (4.5.30-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new upstream version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Wed, 14 Apr 1999 17:41:15 +0200
+mc (4.5.25-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * change the download source to:
+    ftp://ftp.sunsite.org.uk/packages/gnome/sources/mc
+  * add --sysconfdir=/etc in the rule file
+  * new upstream version (with my patches :-)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue, 16 Mar 1999 13:38:32 +0100
+mc (4.5.22-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * change ee to eeyes in lib/mc-gnome.ext.in
+  * new upstream version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Thu,  4 Mar 1999 23:47:37 +0100
+mc (4.5.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * remove usr/share/pixmaps/ from mc
+     (from the 'first' 4.5.21-1 upload in gnome-staging)
+  * remove usr/bin/plain-gmc from mc
+     (from the 'first' 4.5.21-1 upload in gnome-staging)
+  * add patch from viro at math.psu.edu close:29176
+  * new config files: mc.global and mc-gnome.ext
+  * add link from /usr/lib/etc/mc.global to /etc/mc/mc.global
+  * add links from /usr/lib/mc/* to /etc/mc/
+  * new upstream version
+  * add a '-f' to -rm gnome/gmc in debian/rule
+  * change 'ee' in 'eeyes' in lib/mc-gnome.ext
+  * add the conffiles in the gmc-package
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Sat, 27 Feb 1999 00:11:28 +0100
+mc (4.5.1-1.1) frozen; urgency=medium
+  * NMU in behalf of Michael Bramer as he has not got a pure slink system
+  * Fixes Bug#33341, priority important (buffer overrun) for slink
+ -- Martin Bialasinski <martinb at debian.org>  Wed, 17 Feb 1999 00:26:48 +0100
+mc (4.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * new (beta) version
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:48:42 +0200
+mc (4.1.36-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * change from +Z to -Z for zsh (close:#26428)
+  * add Suggests:rpm (close:#26137)
+  * remove /usr/doc/mc/README.edit (close:#26047)
+  * add patch from Patrik Rak in deb.in (close:#25838)
+  * add link from /usr/lib/mc/mc.ext to /etc/mc/mc.ext (close#25719)
+  * New upsteam release
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Thu, 15 Oct 1998 11:41:11 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-6) unstable; urgency=low
+  * don't print debug-code in gnome/*.c (#25587)
+  * move usr/doc/mc/changelog_src.gz to usr/doc/mc/changelog.gz
+  * Change menue from Apps/Misc to Apps/Tools
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:23:43 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-5) unstable; urgency=low
+  * make the menufiles in the new format
+  * change from ee to eeyes for *.jpeg etc. in mc.ext
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:35:11 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add to debstd the -u option
+  * make a new build with gonme0.27 and co.
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Mon, 17 Aug 1998 13:07:11 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * add all changelog-files in /usr/doc/[g]mc
+  * make for gmc a /usr/doc/gmc/
+  * add a '!' in the first line from mcfn_install.in, now: #!/bin/sh
+  * typo in the Description (thanks to joey)
+  * don't print debug-code in gdesktop.c (#25587)
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Mon, 10 Aug 1998 23:29:33 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * the multi-package is not nice, but it should work
+  * add gmc support in a multi-binary-package
+  * new maintainer
+ -- Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org>  Fri, 31 Jul 1998 13:04:28 +0200
+mc (4.1.35-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upsteam release fixes a bug introduced by last version,
+    which made the history input lines stop working. Since this
+    is one of the essential useability features of MC which will
+    most certainly provoke bug reports this here should still go
+    into frozen.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Tue, 26 May 1998 05:00:05 +0100
+mc (4.1.34-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upsteam release really fixes Bug#20727 and some bugs no one
+    has even bothered to report until now. :-)
+  * Added "--without-gnome" and "--disable-nls" flags to debian/rules.
+    The internationalized Gnome version of MC is becoming pretty mature,
+    but will not go into frozen, sorry.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Fri, 15 May 1998 21:36:56 +0100
+mc (4.1.28-3) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * Rebuild using ss-dev, comerr-dev and e2fslibs-dev closing Bug#21749
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Tue, 28 Apr 1998 22:32:15 +0100
+mc (4.1.28-2) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed debian/postinst to address and close Bug#20871. I wonder why
+    this didn't show up earlier?
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Wed, 08 Apr 1998 21:29:51 +0100
+mc (4.1.28-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Compiled with ext2undel feature closing Bug#20752.
+  * Fixes an upstream bug which made MC crash when trying to copy an
+    unreadable file via FTP.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Mon, 06 Apr 1998 17:23:15 +0100
+mc (4.1.27-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Fri, 27 Feb 1998 07:44:29 +0100
+mc (4.1.26-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Updated to standards version
+  * Updated postal address of FSF in copyright file
+  * Added manual page for 'mcmfmt'.
+  * Adapted control file to place package in section "utils"
+    with priority "optional".
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Fri, 20 Feb 1998 03:41:38 +0100
+mc (4.1.24-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release version
+  * Binary package now smaller because upstream maintainer truncated
+    the src/Changelog file which has grown far too large over time. ;-)
+  * Changed "Architecture: i386" to "Architecture: any" in control file.
+    This addresses and closes bug #17226 as reported by James Troup.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Thu, 22 Jan 1998 18:32:55 +0100
+mc (4.1.22-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Adapted debian/changelog to reflect official Debian release history
+  * Added debian/menu file from former maintainer
+  * Closing supposedly outdated bugs #9868, #14744, #14768, #16050
+    and #11968 due to increase of upstream version number.
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Fri, 16 Jan 1998 23:41:32 +0100
+mc (4.1.22-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New maintainer
+  * New upstream version
+ -- Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>  Fri, 16 Jan 1998 17:41:32 +0100
+mc (4.1.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upgraded to latest upstream release (Bugs #13145, #14012).
+  * Use pristine source.
+  * Wrote patch to build with libc6.
+  * Orphaned the package (Unfixed since 6 months).
+  * Recommends file (Bug #7338).
+  * #11864 sould be fixed (libgpmg problem).
+  * Depend on login-970616-1 and don't install cons.saver suid root
+    (Bug #13440).
+  * Corrected debian/rules (make clean shouldn't fail).
+ -- Vincent Renardias <vincent at waw.com>  Mon, 10 Nov 1997 00:05:02 +0100
+mc (3.5.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Upgraded to latest upstream release
+  * Sources converted to new format
+ -- Fernando Alegre <alegre at debian.org>  Mon, 24 Feb 1997 12:56:43 +0100

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/compat
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/compat	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/compat	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/control
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/control	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/control	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Source: mc
+Section: utils
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian MC Packaging Group <pkg-mc-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>, Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>, Yury V. Zaytsev <yury at shurup.com>
+DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), libglib2.0-dev, libgpm-dev |not+linux-gnu, gettext, libslang2-dev, quilt, automake, binutils, cdbs, libtool
+Standards-Version: 3.8.3
+Homepage: http://www.midnight-commander.org
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-mc
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-mc
+Package: mc
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Recommends: mime-support
+Suggests: perl, zip, unzip, bzip2, links | w3m | lynx, arj, file, xpdf-reader | pdf-viewer, dbview, odt2txt, gv, catdvi, djvulibre-bin, imagemagick, python, python-boto, python-tz
+Description: Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager
+ GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. It
+ uses a two panel interface and a subshell for command execution. It
+ includes an internal editor with syntax highlighting and an internal
+ viewer with support for binary files. Also included is Virtual
+ Filesystem (VFS), that allows files on remote systems (e.g. FTP, SSH
+ servers) and files inside archives to be manipulated like real files.
+Package: mc-dbg
+Architecture: any
+Depends: mc (=${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Priority: extra
+Section: debug
+Suggests: gdb
+Description: Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager - debug package
+ GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. It
+ uses a two panel interface and a subshell for command execution. It
+ includes an internal editor with syntax highlighting and an internal
+ viewer with support for binary files. Also included is Virtual
+ Filesystem (VFS), that allows files on remote systems (e.g. FTP, SSH
+ servers) and files inside archives to be manipulated like real files.
+ .
+ This package contains debugging information for mc.

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/copyright
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/copyright	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/copyright	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+This package was debianized by Paul Seelig <pseelig at mail.uni-mainz.de>
+on Tue Apr 1 14:32:15 1997. It has been maintained by Michael Bramer
+and Martin Bialasinski <mc at internet-treff.uni-koeln.de>.
+From Jan 2008 this package is maintained by:
+   Patrick Winnertz <winnie at debian.org>
+From Jan 2004 until 2007 this package was maintained by:
+   Stefano Melchior <stefano.melchior at openlabs.it> and Ludovic Drolez <ldrolez at free.fr>
+From Dec 2002 to Dec 2004 this package was maintained by:
+   Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>
+It was downloaded from:
+   http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/utils/file/managers/mc/
+   http://www.midnight-commander.org/
+Copyright 1996-2008 Free Software Foundation
+    For a full of the authors have a look on: /usr/share/doc/mc/AUTHORS
+    Note that all these authors give the copyright to the FSF.
+   This software is released under GPLv2 license - see the
+   /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/dirs
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/dirs	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/dirs	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/doc-base
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/doc-base	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/doc-base	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Document: mc-faq
+Title: Midnight Commander FAQ
+Author: Janne Kukonlehto <janne at gnome.org>
+Abstract: Midnight Commander Frequently Asked Questions and the Answers
+Section: File Management
+Format: text
+Files: /usr/share/doc/mc/FAQ.gz

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/docs
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/docs	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/docs	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/icon.xpm
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/icon.xpm	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/icon.xpm	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *icon[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 7 1",
+"  c black",
+". c gray20",
+"X c blue",
+"o c cyan",
+"O c yellow",
+"+ c gray80",
+"@ c gray90",
+/* pixels */
+"+ at +@+ at ++@++ at +@+ at +@+ at ++@@++ at ++@+@",
+"@oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ",
+"@                              .",
+"+                              .",
+"+.+                            .",
+"@                              .",
+"++O++ ++++ O++O +O++O +O++ ++O+.",

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# mcedit wrapper for Debian alternatives system
+mcedit $@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian.1
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcedit-debian.1	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mcedit-debian \- mcedit wrapper
+This script is just a wrapper for 
+.B mcedit,
+(the Midnight Commander internal editor) to use with Debian
+alternatives system.
+Full list of supported options could be found on the 
+.BR mcedit (1)
+.BR mcedit (1),
+.BR mc (1)
+This manual page was written by Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>, for
+the Debian GNU/Linux system. 

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcmfmt.1
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcmfmt.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcmfmt.1	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+mcmfmt \- sets bold and underline for mail files
+.B mcmfmt
+is a program for internal use by the Midnight Commander only. It sets bold and underline for mail files.
+There are no options for this program.
+This manual page was written by Paul Seelig <pseelig at goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# mcview wrapper for Debian alternatives system
+mcview $@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian.1
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/extra/mcview-debian.1	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+mcview-debian \- mcview wrapper
+This script is just a wrapper for 
+.B mcview,
+(the Midnight Commander internal viewer) to use with Debian
+alternatives system.
+Full list of supported options could be found on the 
+.BR mcview (1)
+.BR mcview (1),
+.BR mc (1)
+This manual page was written by Adam Byrtek <alpha at debian.org>, for
+the Debian GNU/Linux system. 

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/links
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/links	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/links	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/etc/mc/mc.ext /usr/share/mc/mc.ext
+/etc/mc/mc.menu /usr/share/mc/mc.menu
+/etc/mc/mc.lib /usr/share/mc/mc.lib

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/manpages
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/manpages	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/manpages	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.docs
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.docs	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.docs	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.install
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.install	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.install	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+usr/lib/mc/mc/mc* usr/share/mc/bin
+etc/mc/mc.* etc/mc	
+etc/mc/edit.indent.rc usr/share/mc
+etc/mc/edit.spell.rc usr/share/mc
+etc/mc/cedit.menu usr/share/mc
+./debian/extra/mcedit-debian usr/bin
+./debian/extra/mcview-debian usr/bin

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postinst
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postinst	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postinst	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    configure|abort-upgrade)
+	update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/view view /usr/bin/mcview-debian 25 \
+	   --slave /usr/share/man/man1/view.1.gz view.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/mcview.1.gz
+	update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/mcedit-debian 25 \
+	   --slave /usr/share/man/man1/editor.1.gz editor.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/mcedit.1.gz
+	;;

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postrm
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postrm	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.postrm	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    purge)
+	rm -f /etc/mc/mc.lib /etc/mc/mc.ext /etc/mc/mc.menu
+	rmdir /etc/mc 2>/dev/null || true
+	;;

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.prerm
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.prerm	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/mc.prerm	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+    remove)
+    	update-alternatives --remove editor /usr/bin/mcedit-debian
+    	update-alternatives --remove view /usr/bin/mcview-debian
+	;;

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/menu
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/menu	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/menu	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+   needs="text"\
+   section="Applications/File Management"\
+   title="mc"\
+   longtitle="Midnight Commander"\
+   hints="File managers"\
+   command="/usr/bin/mc"\
+   icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/mc.xpm"

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/README
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/README	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Please note that this repository do _not_ held patches or changes from upstream. 
+This repository is meant as basis for sharing the work on mc between several distributions.
+Furthermore our aim should be to provide patches which upstream can add to the official CVS.

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/84_use_dvicat_instead_of_dvi2tty.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/84_use_dvicat_instead_of_dvi2tty.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/84_use_dvicat_instead_of_dvi2tty.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Description: use catdvi instead of dvi2tty and improve code.
+Bug-debian: http://bugs.debian.org/543202
+Author: Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919/misc/mc.ext.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919.orig/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-09-21 21:44:49.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-09-21 21:47:02.000000000 +0200
+@@ -527,8 +527,8 @@
+ # DVI
+ regex/\.([dD][vV][iI])$
+-	Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x ]; then dvisvga %f; else (xdvi %f &); fi
+-	View=%view{ascii} dvi2tty %f
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++	View=%view{ascii} catdvi %f
+ # TeX
+ regex/\.([Tt][Ee][Xx])$

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/85_add_djvu_files_support.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/85_add_djvu_files_support.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/bugs/85_add_djvu_files_support.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Description: Add djvu support
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/543651
+Author: Jakub Wilk <ubanus at users.sf.net>
+Author: Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919/misc/mc.ext.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919.orig/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-09-21 18:34:47.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre2~git20090919/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-09-21 18:42:56.000000000 +0200
+@@ -476,6 +476,11 @@
+ 	#Open=(ghostview %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} pdftotext %f -
++    Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
++    View=%view{ascii} djvused -e print-pure-txt %f
+ # The following code very ugly and should not be taken as example.
+ # It should be cleaned up when the new format of mc.ext is developed.

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/02_use_correct_smb_conf_path.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/02_use_correct_smb_conf_path.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/02_use_correct_smb_conf_path.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Use correct smb conf path
+Index: mc-4.6.2~git20090522/vfs/smbfs.c
+--- mc-4.6.2~git20090522.orig/vfs/smbfs.c	2009-05-24 10:14:19.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.6.2~git20090522/vfs/smbfs.c	2009-05-24 10:15:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
+ static int
+ smbfs_init (struct vfs_class * me)
+ {
+-    const char *servicesf = CONFIGDIR PATH_SEP_STR "smb.conf";
++    const char *servicesf = CONFIGDIR PATH_SEP_STR "samba/smb.conf";
+     /*  DEBUGLEVEL = 4; */

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/03_use_awk.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/03_use_awk.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/03_use_awk.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use awk before using anything else in configure
+this closes: #499723
+--- a/configure	2009-08-04 20:22:13.000000000 +0200
++++ b/configure	2009-08-04 20:22:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2544,7 +2544,7 @@
+   */*) mkdir_p="\$(top_builddir)/$mkdir_p" ;;
+ esac
+-for ac_prog in gawk mawk nawk awk
++for ac_prog in awk gawk mawk nawk
+ do
+   # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/04_add_gem_extension.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/04_add_gem_extension.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/04_add_gem_extension.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+description: add gem extension
+diff --git a/misc/mc.ext.in b/misc/mc.ext.in
+index 493e8c5..33fbcb2 100644
+--- a/misc/mc.ext.in
++++ b/misc/mc.ext.in
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+ ### Archives ###
+ # .tgz, .tpz, .tar.gz, .tar.z, .tar.Z, .ipk
+ 	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/05_disable_internal_editor.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/05_disable_internal_editor.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/05_disable_internal_editor.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+disable internal editor by default
+Index: mc-4.6.2~git20090522/src/cmd.c
+--- mc-4.6.2~git20090522.orig/src/cmd.c	2009-05-22 17:22:37.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.6.2~git20090522/src/cmd.c	2009-05-24 10:19:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
+ int output_starts_shell = 0;
+ /* If set, use the builtin editor */
+-int use_internal_edit = 1;
++int use_internal_edit = 0;
+ /* Automatically fills name with current selected item name on mkdir */
+ int auto_fill_mkdir_name = 1;

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/06_use_default_pdf_viewer.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/06_use_default_pdf_viewer.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/06_use_default_pdf_viewer.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Comment: use mailcap entry to choose pdf viewer
+bug: #544054
+Author: Andreas Tille <tillea at rki.de>
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre1/misc/mc.ext.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre1.orig/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-08-28 17:29:19.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre1/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-08-28 17:30:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
+ # PDF
+ type/^PDF
+-	Open=(xpdf %f &)
++	Open=(see %f &)
+ 	#Open=(acroread %f &)
+ 	#Open=(ghostview %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} pdftotext %f -

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/08_use_sensible-editor.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/08_use_sensible-editor.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/08_use_sensible-editor.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Description: Use sensible-editor to edit files
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/549202
+Author: Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre3/src/util.h
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre3.orig/src/util.h	2009-10-02 23:01:32.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre3/src/util.h	2009-10-02 23:01:53.000000000 +0200
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+ #define PATH_ENV_SEP ':'
+ #define TMPDIR_DEFAULT "/tmp"
+ #define SCRIPT_SUFFIX ""
+-#define get_default_editor() "vi"
++#define get_default_editor() "sensible-editor"
+ #define STRCOMP strcmp
+ #define STRNCOMP strncmp

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/09_uzip_broken_528239.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/09_uzip_broken_528239.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/09_uzip_broken_528239.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Fix fails to display zipfile contents after unzip update
+Bug #528239 mc: extfs/uzip broken after update to unzip-6.0
+thanks to Johannes Stezenbach for this patch.
+Index: mc-4.6.2~git20090529/vfs/extfs/uzip.in
+--- mc-4.6.2~git20090529.orig/vfs/extfs/uzip.in	2009-05-30 20:48:26.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.6.2~git20090529/vfs/extfs/uzip.in	2009-05-30 20:49:08.000000000 +0200
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ # Location of the unzip program
+ my $app_unzip = "@UNZIP@";
+ # Set this to 1 if zipinfo (unzip -Z) is to be used (recommended), otherwise 0.
+-my $op_has_zipinfo = @HAVE_ZIPINFO@;
++my $op_has_zipinfo = 1;
+ # Command used to list archives (zipinfo mode)
+ my $cmd_list_zi = "$app_unzip -Z -l -T";

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/10_use_default_images_viewer.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/10_use_default_images_viewer.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/10_use_default_images_viewer.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Comment: use mailcap entry to choose the images viewer
+bug: #544058
+Author: Andreas Tille <tillea at rki.de>
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre4/misc/mc.ext.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre4.orig/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-12-17 19:51:51.000000000 +0100
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre4/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-12-17 19:53:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
+ 	Include=image
+ include/image
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then zgv %f; else (gqview %f &); fi
++	Open=(see %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} identify %f
+ 	#View=%view{ascii} asciiview %f

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/11_use_mailcap_into_mc.ext.in.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/11_use_mailcap_into_mc.ext.in.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/11_use_mailcap_into_mc.ext.in.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+Index: mc-4.7.0/misc/mc.ext.in
+--- mc-4.7.0.orig/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-12-25 23:31:37.000000000 +0100
++++ mc-4.7.0/misc/mc.ext.in	2009-12-25 23:39:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -108,177 +108,136 @@
+ # .tgz, .tpz, .tar.gz, .tar.z, .tar.Z, .ipk
+ regex/\.t([gp]?z|ar\.g?[zZ])$|\.ipk|\.gem$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ regex/\.tar\.bz$
+-	# Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ regex/\.t(ar\.bz2|bz2?|b2)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ # .tar.lzma, .tlz
+ regex/\.t(ar\.lzma|lz)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} lzma -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ # .tar.xz, .txz
+ regex/\.t(ar\.xz|xz)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xz -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ # .tar.F - used in QNX
+ regex/\.tar\.F$
+-	# Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} freeze -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ # .qpr/.qpk - QNX Neutrino package installer files
+ regex/\.(qp[rk])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null | tar tvvf -
+ # tar
+ regex/\.(tar|TAR)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#utar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} tar tvvf - < %f
+ # lha
+ type/^LHa\ .*archive
+-	Open=%cd %p#ulha
+ 	View=%view{ascii} lha l %f
+ # arj
+ regex/\.a(rj|[0-9][0-9])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uarj
+ 	View=%view{ascii} unarj l %f
+ # cab
+ regex/\.([cC][aA][bB])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#ucab
+ 	View=%view{ascii} cabextract -l %f
+ # ha
+ regex/\.([Hh][Aa])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uha
+ 	View=%view{ascii} ha lf %f
+ # rar
+ regex/\.[rR]([aA][rR]|[0-9][0-9])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#urar
+ 	View=%view{ascii} rar v -c- %f
+ # ALZip
+ regex/\.(alz|ALZ)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#ualz
+ 	View=%view{ascii} unalz -l %f
+ # cpio
+ shell/.cpio.Z
+-	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f | cpio -itv 2>/dev/null
+ shell/.cpio.gz
+-	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f | cpio -itv 2>/dev/null
+ shell/.cpio
+-	Open=%cd %p#ucpio
+ 	View=%view{ascii} cpio -itv < %f 2>/dev/null
+ # ls-lR
+ regex/(^|\.)ls-?lR(\.gz|Z|bz2)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#lslR
+ # patch
+ regex/\.(diff|patch)(\.bz2)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#patchfs
+-	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+-	Open=%cd %p#patchfs
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ regex/\.(diff|patch)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#patchfs
+ 	View=%view{ascii} /bin/cat %f 2>/dev/null
+ # ar library
+ regex/\.s?a$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uar
+-	#Open=%view{ascii} ar tv %f
+ 	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
+ # trpm
+ regex/\.trpm$
+-	Open=%cd %p#trpm
+ 	View=%view{ascii} rpm -qivl --scripts `basename %p .trpm`
+ # RPM packages (SuSE uses *.spm for source packages)
+ regex/\.(src\.rpm|spm)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#rpm
+ 	View=%view{ascii} if rpm --nosignature --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then RPM="rpm --nosignature" ; else RPM="rpm" ; fi ; $RPM -qivlp --scripts %f
+ regex/\.rpm$
+-	Open=%cd %p#rpm
+ 	View=%view{ascii} if rpm --nosignature --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then RPM="rpm --nosignature" ; else RPM="rpm" ; fi ; $RPM -qivlp --scripts %f
+ # deb
+ regex/\.u?deb$
+-	Open=%cd %p#deb
+ 	View=%view{ascii} dpkg-deb -I %f && echo && dpkg-deb -c %f
+ # dpkg
+ shell/.debd
+-        Open=%cd %p#debd
+         View=%view{ascii} dpkg -s `echo %p | sed 's/\([0-9a-z.-]*\).*/\1/'`
+ # apt
+ shell/.deba
+-        Open=%cd %p#deba
+         View=%view{ascii} apt-cache show `echo %p | sed 's/\([0-9a-z.-]*\).*/\1/'`
+ # ISO9660
+ regex/\.iso$
+-	Open=%cd %p#iso9660
+ 	View=%view{ascii} isoinfo -l -i %f
+ # 7zip archives (they are not man pages)
+ regex/\.(7z|7Z)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#u7z
+ 	View=%view{ascii} 7za l %f 2>/dev/null
+ # Mailboxes
+ type/^ASCII\ mail\ text
+-	Open=%cd %p#mailfs
+ ### Sources ###
+ # C
+ shell/.c
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ # Fortran
+ shell/.f
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ # Header
+ regex/\.(h|hpp)$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ # Object
+ type/^ELF
+-	#Open=%var{PAGER:more} %f
+ 	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
+ # Asm
+ shell/.s
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ # C++
+ regex/\.(C|cc|cpp)$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ ### Documentation ###
+@@ -288,10 +247,8 @@
+ # GNU Info page
+ type/^Info\ text
+-	Open=info -f %f
+ shell/.info
+-	Open=info -f %f
+ # Manual page
+ # Exception - .so libraries are not manual pages
+@@ -299,53 +256,42 @@
+ 	View=%view{ascii} file %f && nm %f
+ regex/(([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])|\.man)$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) { zsoelim %f 2>/dev/null || cat %f; } | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) cat %f ;; *) { zsoelim %f 2>/dev/null || cat %f; } | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ # Perl pod page
+ shell/.pod
+-	Open=pod2man %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} pod2man %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@
+ # Troff with me macros.
+ # Exception - "read.me" is not a nroff file.
+ shell/read.me
+-	Open=
+ 	View=
+ shell/.me
+-	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -me %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -me %f
+ # Troff with ms macros.
+ shell/.ms
+-	Open=nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -ms %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ -ms %f
+ # Manual page - compressed
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.g?[Zz]$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) gzip -dc %f ;; *) gzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.bz$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip -dc %f ;; *) bzip -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.bz2$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) bzip2 -dc %f ;; *) bzip2 -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.lzma$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) lzma -dc %f ;; *) lzma -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) lzma -dc %f ;; *) lzma -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ regex/([^0-9]|^[^\.]*)\.([1-9][A-Za-z]*|[ln])\.xz$
+-	Open=case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) xz -dc %f ;; *) xz -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii,nroff} case %d/%f in */log/*|*/logs/*) xz -dc %f ;; *) xz -dc %f | nroff @MAN_FLAGS@ @MANDOC@ ;; esac
+ # CHM
+ regex/\.(chm|CHM)$
+-	Open=which kchmviewer > /dev/null 2>&1 && (kchmviewer %f &) || (xchm %f &)
+ ### Images ###
+@@ -378,10 +324,8 @@
+ 	Include=image
+ shell/.xcf
+-	Open=(gimp %f &)
+ shell/.xbm
+-	Open=bitmap %f
+ shell/.xpm
+ 	Include=image
+@@ -391,7 +335,6 @@
+ 	Include=image
+ include/image
+-	Open=(see %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} identify %f
+ 	#View=%view{ascii} asciiview %f
+@@ -399,38 +342,28 @@
+ ### Sound files ###
+ regex/\.([wW][aA][vV]|[sS][nN][dD]|[vV][oO][cC]|[aA][uU]|[sS][mM][pP]|[aA][iI][fF][fF]|[sS][nN][dD])$
+-       Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then play %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ regex/\.([mM][oO][dD]|[sS]3[mM]|[xX][mM]|[iI][tT]|[mM][tT][mM]|669|[sS][tT][mM]|[uU][lL][tT]|[fF][aA][rR])$
+-       Open=mikmod %f
+-       #Open=tracker %f
+ regex/\.([wW][aA][wW]22)$
+-       Open=vplay -s 22 %f
+ regex/\.([mM][pP]3)$
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then mpg123 %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ 	View=%view{ascii} mpg123 -vtn1 %f 2>&1 | sed -n '/^Title/,/^Comment/p;/^MPEG/,/^Audio/p'
+ regex/\.([oO][gG][gG|aA|vV|xX])$
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then ogg123 %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ 	View=%view{ascii} ogginfo %s
+ regex/\.([sS][pP][xX]|[fF][lL][aA][cC])$
+-	Open=if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then play %f; else (xmms %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ regex/\.([mM][iI][dD][iI]?|[rR][mM][iI][dD]?)$
+-	Open=timidity %f
+ regex/\.([wW][mM][aA])$
+-	Open=mplayer -vo null %f
+ 	View=%view{ascii} mplayer -quiet -slave -frames 0 -vo null -ao null -identify %f 2>/dev/null | tail +13 || file %f
+ ### Play lists ###
+ regex/\.([mM]3[uU]|[pP][lL][sS])$
+-	Open=if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then mplayer -vo null -playlist %f; else (xmms -p %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ ### Video ###
+@@ -466,26 +399,18 @@
+ 	Include=video
+ regex/\.([rR][aA]?[mM])$
+-	Open=(realplay %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ include/video
+-	Open=(mplayer %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+-	#Open=(gtv %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+-	#Open=(xanim %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ ### Documents ###
+ # Postscript
+ type/^PostScript
+-	Open=(gv %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} ps2ascii %f
+ # PDF
+ type/^PDF
+-	Open=(see %f &)
+-	#Open=(acroread %f &)
+-	#Open=(ghostview %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} pdftotext %f -
+ # The following code very ugly and should not be taken as example.
+@@ -493,95 +418,74 @@
+ # html
+ regex/\.([hH][tT][mM][lL]?)$
+-	Open=(if test -n "@X11_WWW@" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (@X11_WWW@ file://%d/%p &) 1>&2; else links %f || lynx -force_html %f || ${PAGER:-more} %f; fi) 2>/dev/null
+ 	View=%view{ascii} links -dump %f 2>/dev/null || w3m -dump %f 2>/dev/null || lynx -dump -force_html %f
+ # StarOffice 5.2
+ shell/.sdw
+-	Open=(ooffice %f &)
+ # StarOffice 6 and OpenOffice.org formats
+ regex/\.(odt|ott|sxw|stw|ods|ots|sxc|stc|odp|otp|sxi|sti|odg|otg|sxd|std|odb|odf|sxm|odm|sxg)$
+-	Open=(ooffice %f &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} odt2txt %f
+ # AbiWord
+ shell/.abw
+-	Open=(abiword %f &)
+ # Microsoft Word Document
+ regex/\.([Dd][oO][cCtT]|[Ww][rR][iI])$
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} antiword -t %f || catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f
+ type/^Microsoft\ Word
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} antiword -t %f || catdoc -w %f || word2x -f text %f - || strings %f
+ # RTF document
+ regex/\.([rR][tT][fF])$
+-	Open=(abiword %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ # Microsoft Excel Worksheet
+ regex/\.([xX][lL][sSwW])$
+-	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f
+ type/^Microsoft\ Excel
+-	Open=(gnumeric %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &)
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xls2csv %f || strings %f
+ # Use OpenOffice.org to open any MS Office documents
+ type/^Microsoft\ Office\ Document
+-	Open=(ooffice %f &)
+ # Framemaker
+ type/^FrameMaker
+-	Open=fmclient -f %f
+ # DVI
+ regex/\.([dD][vV][iI])$
+-	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
+ 	View=%view{ascii} catdvi %f
+ # TeX
+ regex/\.([Tt][Ee][Xx])$
+-	Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f
+ # DjVu
+ regex/\.(djvu|DJVU)$
+-	Open=djview %f &
+ ### Miscellaneous ###
+ # Makefile
+ regex/[Mm]akefile$
+-	Open=make -f %f %{Enter parameters}
+ # Imakefile
+ shell/Imakefile
+-	Open=xmkmf -a
+ # Makefile.PL (MakeMaker)
+ regex/^Makefile.(PL|pl)$
+-	Open=%var{PERL:perl} %f
+ # dbf
+ regex/\.([dD][bB][fF])$
+-       Open=%view{ascii} dbview %f
+        View=%view{ascii} dbview -b %f
+ # REXX script
+ regex/\.(rexx?|cmd)$
+-       Open=rexx %f %{Enter parameters};echo "Press ENTER";read y
+ # Disk images for Commodore computers (VIC20, C64, C128)
+ regex/\.(d64|D64)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uc1541
+ 	View=%view{ascii} c1541 %f -list
+ 	Extract=c1541 %f -extract
+ # Glade, a user interface designer for GTK+ and GNOME
+ regex/\.([Gg][Ll][Aa][Dd][Ee])$
+-	Open=if glade-3 --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then (glade-3 %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); else (glade-2 %f >/dev/null 2>&1 &); fi
+ # Gettext Catalogs
+ shell/.mo
+@@ -591,30 +495,25 @@
+ # ace
+ regex/\.(ace|ACE)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uace
+ 	View=%view{ascii} unace l %f
+ 	Extract=unace x %f
+ # arc
+ regex/\.(arc|ARC)$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uarc
+ 	View=%view{ascii} arc l %f
+ 	Extract=arc x %f '*'
+ 	Extract (with flags)=I=%{Enter any Arc flags:}; if test -n "$I"; then arc x $I %f; fi
+ # zip
+ type/^([Zz][Ii][Pp])\ archive
+-	Open=%cd %p#uzip
+ 	View=%view{ascii} unzip -v %f
+ # zoo
+ regex/\.([Zz][Oo][Oo])$
+-	Open=%cd %p#uzoo
+ 	View=%view{ascii} zoo l %f
+ # gzip
+ type/^gzip
+-	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ regex/\.(gz|Z)?$
+@@ -622,7 +521,6 @@
+ # bzip2
+ type/^bzip2
+-	Open=bzip2 -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip2 -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ regex/\.bz2?$
+@@ -630,22 +528,18 @@
+ # bzip
+ type/^bzip
+-	Open=bzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} bzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ # compress
+ type/^compress
+-	Open=gzip -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} gzip -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ # lzma
+ regex/\.lzma$
+-	Open=lzma -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} lzma -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+ # xz
+ regex/\.xz$
+-	Open=xz -dc %f | %var{PAGER:more}
+ 	View=%view{ascii} xz -dc %f 2>/dev/null
+@@ -653,7 +547,7 @@
+ # Default target for anything not described above
+ default/*
+-	Open=
++	Open=run-mailcap %f 2>&1 &
+ 	View=

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/1462_fix_wrong_path_to_wrapper_script_540238.patch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/1462_fix_wrong_path_to_wrapper_script_540238.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/debian/1462_fix_wrong_path_to_wrapper_script_540238.patch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Closes: #540238
+Author: Denis Briand <denis at narcan.fr>
+Thanks to Jindřich Makovička
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre1/contrib/mc.csh.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre1.orig/contrib/mc.csh.in	2009-08-07 13:18:42.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre1/contrib/mc.csh.in	2009-08-07 13:19:20.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-alias mc 'source @pkglibexecdir@/mc-wrapper.csh'
++alias mc 'source /usr/share/mc/bin/mc-wrapper.csh'
+Index: mc-4.7.0-pre1/contrib/mc.sh.in
+--- mc-4.7.0-pre1.orig/contrib/mc.sh.in	2009-08-07 13:19:37.000000000 +0200
++++ mc-4.7.0-pre1/contrib/mc.sh.in	2009-08-07 13:20:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+ # Don't define aliases in plain Bourne shell
+ [ -n "${BASH_VERSION}${KSH_VERSION}${ZSH_VERSION}" ] || return 0
+-alias mc='. @pkglibexecdir@/mc-wrapper.sh'
++alias mc='. /usr/share/mc/bin/mc-wrapper.sh'

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/series
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/series	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/patches/series	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/rules
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/rules	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/rules	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
+DEB_DH_STRIP_ARGS := --dbg-package=mc-dbg
+DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --with-glib2 --without-ext2undel --enable-charset --without-samba --with-screen=slang
+AWK := awk
+#use building with n parallel processes with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=n
+ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+	rm -f po/*.gmo
+	rm -f po/stamp-po
+	rm -f NEWS
+	rm -f README
+	if [ ! -f configure ]; then sh autogen.sh; fi
+	cp ./debian/extra/icon.xpm ./debian/mc/usr/share/pixmaps/mc.xpm
+	chmod 644 ./debian/mc/usr/share/mc/bin/mc*
+	chmod 751 ./debian/mc/usr/share/mc/edit.spell.rc
+	chmod 751 ./debian/mc/usr/share/mc/edit.indent.rc
+	rmdir ./debian/mc/usr/share/man/sr/man8

Property changes on: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/rules
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/source/format
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/source/format	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/source/format	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)

Added: branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/watch
--- branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/watch	                        (rev 0)
+++ branch/mailcap/mc_4.7.0-1/debian/watch	2009-12-25 23:19:15 UTC (rev 325)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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