[Pkg-mc-devel] Bug#774135: closed by Denis Briand <debian at denis-briand.fr> (mc: SFTP VFS still not usable)

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sun Jan 10 09:31:01 UTC 2016

Yury V. Zaytsev dixit:

>So can you debug this somehow

Probably, though not right now. I can of course
give straces or something, if that helps.

>or at least explain how one can get an
>environment where the problem can be reproduced?

As I already wrote… let me just create a new account
for reproducing it… reproducers are, on Debian sid/amd64:

$ mc
$ cd /sftp://localhost                                                                                        [|]

This works. Now F10 (or Esc+0) and…

$ touch .ssh/config
$ mc
$ cd /sftp://localhost                                                                                        [|]

╔═════════════════════════════════════════ Error ═════════════════════════════════════════╗
║                                                                                         ║
║ 25: sftp: an error occurred while reading ~/.ssh/config: Inappropriate ioctl for device ║
║                                                                                         ║

╔═══════════════ Error ════════════════╗
║                                      ║
║ Cannot chdir to "/sftp://localhost/" ║
║           File exists (17)           ║
║                                      ║

Just to be on the safe side, I did:

$ rm -rf .config/mc .local/share/mc .cache/mc

(I have some mc baseline config in /etc/skel/ normally.)

This still exhibits the issue though with single instead
of double lines box drawing characters.

In the end, I will wish to use mc with a .ssh/config file
containing entries such as these:

-----cutting here may damage your screen surface-----
Host vm
 HostKeyAlias vm.invalid.mirbsd.org
 Port 2222
 User tg

Host aranymN
 User root
 ForwardAgent yes
 ControlPath none

Host minix
 Port 2209
 Hostname localhost
 HostKeyAlias minixvm
 User tg
 ForwardAgent yes
 ControlPath /run/.tglase/ctl.%r at minixvm:%p

Host hecker-tarentux
 User root
 ProxyCommand ssh -Al tglase hecker-nb.lan.tarent.de exec nc 22

Host *
 HashKnownHosts no
 ControlPath /run/.tglase/ctl.%r@%h:%p
-----cutting here may damage your screen surface-----

Note these are just examples and parts of my full SSH config,
but these are disclosable parts.

This space for rent.

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