Bug#287415: mdadm: degraded md devices not assembled on boot

Kevin Brown kevin at sysexperts.com
Sun Jul 30 23:27:25 UTC 2006

The manpage for mdadm states for the --run option:

   -R, --run
          Insist  that mdadm run the array, even if some of the components
          appear to be active in another array  or  filesystem.   Normally
          mdadm will ask for confirmation before including such components
          in an array.  This option causes that question to be suppressed.

So: either the manpage lies about the circumstances under which the
--run option is applicable, or mdadm for some reason thinks that a
device that doesn't exist is equivalent to a device that is in use
somewhere else.  I suspect the latter.

Either way, it looks like a bug in mdadm.

All this may be redundant, of course, but I just wanted to state all
this here to make it crystal clear what the issue really is (or at
least appears to be).  One otherwise has to scan the bug conversation
to see this.

Kevin Brown					      kevin at sysexperts.com

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