Processed: unblock 369779 with 366820, block 366820 with 369779
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Thu Jun 1 11:03:41 UTC 2006
Processing commands for control at
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.9.20
> unblock 369779 with 366820
Bug#369779: mdadm: [m68k] FTBFS with gcc-4.1
Was blocked by: 366820
Blocking bugs removed: 366820
> block 366820 with 369779
Bug#366820: Transition to GCC 4.1 for etch
Was blocked by: 275774 339921 355163 355165 355189 355325 355326 355352 355396 355463 355598 355599 355663 355738 355739 355741 355744 355841 355980 355983 355986 355988 355989 355990 355992 355993 355996 355997 355998 356003 356004 356093 356098 356100 356109 356110 356111 356113 356115 356116 356121 356153 356155 356156 356157 356159 356160 356161 356163 356168 356169 356170 356171 356173 356174 356175 356176 356215 356228 356229 356232 356233 356234 356238 356240 356241 356242 356244 356245 356246 356248 356303 356304 356305 356321 356322 356323 356324 356361 356362 356366 356367 356370 356374 356405 356422 356423 356424 356425 356428 356436 356439 356440 356442 356444 356445 356453 356455 356516 356517 356522 356540 356546 356549 356564 356574 356579 356582 356583 356585 356590 356592 356597 356598 356601 356606 356611 356620 356634 356636 356646 356679 356684 356691 356767 356875 356878 356881 356892 356893 356964 356965 356967 356968 356970 356971 356972 356979 356980 357056 357057 357059 357061 357064 357070 357084 357096 357111 357112 357113 357117 357119 357182 357184 357186 357189 357190 357316 357317 357322 357324 357325 357328 357334 357335 357339 357340 357357 357358 357359 357360 357376 357380 357382 357383 357401 357402 357403 357404 357408 357447 357455 357467 357476 357478 357479 357481 357483 357490 357513 357552 357555 357556 357557 357558 357565 357566 357600 357601 357614 357640 357644 357648 357651 357656 357659 357687 357710 357711 357717 357720 357748 357750 357770 357774 357789 357810 357825 357849 357861 357863 357864 357866 357897 357901 357959 357960 357961 357962 357964 357967 357995 357996 358053 358062 358068 358069 358074 358075 358077 358087 358090 358096 358206 358207 358208 358212 358214 358218 358219 358221 358228 358240 358243 358259 358263 358271 358277 358280 358281 358282 358284 358285 358286 358287 358289 358290 358291 358292 358293 358294 358298 358449 358542 358582 358591 358643 358644 358650 358881 358884 358886 361331 361333 361334 361335 361336 361389 361396 361766 366753 366821 366963 367360 367519 367875 368081
Blocking bugs added: 369779
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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