Bug#396159: initramfs-tools: alters behaviour of mdadm on initramfs

Juha Jäykkä juhaj at iki.fi
Mon Oct 30 09:31:47 CET 2006

> you are reporting against the wrong package,

Sorry, my mistake.

> > auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro root=fd00 root=/dev/mapper/system-root
> what do you expect by setting the root twice??

I never noticed this before. I do not even know where the "fd00"
comes from. The latter comes from lilo.conf and is correct.

> that doesn't make any sense, if your root is an lvm inside of md
> you need to pass the second boot arg and the mdadm hook
> should initialize the raids.

"Second boot arg"? I'm not quire sure what you mean by that. 

Perhaps it's worth mentioning, that md0 was created by D-I, while md1
array was created afterwards (the discs weren't there yet at install time)
by hand.

> please tell which version of mdadm you are using:
> dpkg -l mdadm

Etch current: 2.5.3.git200608202239-7.


                | Juha Jäykkä, juolja at utu.fi			|
		| Laboratory of Theoretical Physics		|
		| Department of Physics, University of Turku	|
                | home: http://www.utu.fi/~juolja/              |
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