Bug#427881: Script to handle mdadm events & generate mail reports
Arno van Amersfoort
a.c.j.van.amersfoort at eld.physics.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Jun 7 07:28:40 UTC 2007
Package: mdadm
Version: 2.5.6-9
I wrote a script (see attachement) to automatically send out mails to a
specified user (usually root) about raid/md events. It should be called
from mdadm.conf with the PROGRAM directive.
I hope it's usefull.
Ing. A.C.J. van Amersfoort (Arno)
Department Of Electronics (ELD, k1007)
Huygens Laboratory
Leiden University
P.O. Box 9504
Niels Bohrweg 2
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone : +31-(0)71-527.1894 Fax: +31-(0)71-527.5819
E-mail: a.c.j.van.amersfoort at eld.physics.leidenuniv.nl
Arno's (Linux firewall) homepage: http://rocky.eld.leidenuniv.nl
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