[LCFC] templates://mdadm/{mdadm.templates}

Justin B Rye jbr at edlug.org.uk
Tue Jan 29 01:57:51 UTC 2008

MJ Ray wrote:
> Same answer to both: I think the English description should be in
> English, not Latin or Debian control file syntax.

I'm less worried by Latinisms than MJ, but it's always worth
considering the possibility of using plain English, and in this case
the "e.g." is being used in a way occasionally deprecated by the
style manuals. 

# Please enter a space-separated list of devices, 'all', or 'none'. You may
# omit the leading '/dev/' and just enter e.g. "md0 md1", or "md/1 md/d0".

If it's a direct shorthand for "for example", that should be:

# omit the leading '/dev/' and just enter (e.g.) "md0 md1", or "md/1 md/d0".

What the strictest style manuals say is that "e.g." should occur only
in footnotes or with parenthetical lists, not in running text as here.

How about:

# Please enter 'all', 'none', or a space-separated list of devices such as
# "md0 md1" or "md/1 md/d0" (the leading '/dev/' can be omitted).

JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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