Bug#521547: udev: doesn't ship udevsettle anymore
Marco d'Itri
md at Linux.IT
Sat Mar 28 15:17:15 UTC 2009
reassign 521547 mdadm
clone 521547 -1
reassign -1 cryptsetup
close 521547 -2
reassign -2 lirc
On Mar 28, Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe <Mario.Holbe at TU-Ilmenau.DE> wrote:
> udev does not ship the /sbin/udevsettle symlink anymore. Since the
> Debian ChangeLog doesn't state any change regarding this, I'm not sure
> whether this is intentional or not.
It is.
What I can offer is to add back the link for a couple of weeks until
all packages will have moved to testing and them add Conflicts.
> If you think this is intentional, please reassign/clone this bug to
> mdadm, cryptsetup and lirc to switch to udevadm settle.
Packages which use udevsettle are broken by design anyway.
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